Busyness vs. Productivity
Lois Jackson
Lead Career Coach @ The WorkFaith Connection | Certified Life and Interview Coach
Today everyone is so busy. Have you noticed that whenever you ask others what’s going on in their lives, the answer is pretty much the same?
“I’m so busy”
“I’ve got so much on my plate”
“I can’t seem to get everything done”
“There are not enough hours in the day”
The list goes on and on.
The question is, how much of what you are doing is actually productive? Are you guilty of doing the urgent, but not the important? At the end of the day, week, or month, do you often find that the things you most needed to accomplish are still listed on your “To Do List”? I dare not mention the ever-growing list of things that others want you to do. Well, you’re in good company. While I don’t profess to know the actual statistics, at any given time, at least 7 out of 10 people I talk to complain about feeling overwhelmed.
There’s a good reason why you often feel this way—you’re in way over your head! You’re wearing many different hats and trying to look good in them all. People often fool themselves into thinking they are being productive because they are keeping busy. The problem is, that they are busying themselves with the things that will yield the smallest results. Therefore, those big, valuable, important tasks that can have significant long-term consequences get pushed aside to be done ‘another day’.
Have you sat down and truly taken a look at how you’re spending your time? Have you set your priorities? Are your activities between work, home, and leisure adequately balanced? Have you been purposeful in how you go about your daily tasks? Well, if you answered “no” to any of these questions, it’s time to get on track.
One thing I know for sure is that time does not stand still waiting for you to catch up. Whether we like to admit it or not, our time on this earth has an expiration date. The scary thing is that we don’t know what that date is. Each day that we put off working toward our goals, the fewer days we have to actually enjoy the fruits of those accomplishments.
Hopefully, you are one of the individuals who have a vision for your life; you’ve set your goals and know the steps needed to take you there. If you’ve gotten that far, you are indeed one of a precious few. So many people go through life with no clear direction in mind. They just believe life will somehow materialize into what they hope it will be. Maybe you don’t even know what you’d like to accomplish in your lifetime, but you’d like to know. Well, I have good news for you. Now is the time, and help is on the way!
A good coach may well put you on the path to experiencing the satisfaction of knowing your efforts are productive--you are achieving your goals and not just keeping busy. Why use a coach? Because those who are serious about getting from point A to point B use a coach to do so. Ask any professional athlete, accomplished entertainer, or successful business owner. They will tell you that they have been coached, mentored, or in some manner, guided to success. If you could have done it all by yourself, you would have by now, wouldn’t you?
There are so many distractions and obstacles that we oftentimes give up on our dreams. We don't know where to start; it seems so overwhelming. Don’t give up. You deserve so much better! Having a life coach, business coach, relationship coach, or marketing coach could help you reach the high points you've always wanted.
Want to know more about the whole coaching process? I invite you to gain clarity on how coaching can benefit you. Visit my website, www.Pathwaytodestinycoaching.com and discover what having a coach can do for you. It’s your life and your time. I'd love to help you get the most out of it.
#productivity #lifecoach #bigdreams
Founder- CEO of Madison Tatum Financial Solutions, LLC
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