Busy Being Busy or Busy Being In Business?

Busy Being Busy or Busy Being In Business?

Well, I had this blindingly ‘obvious’ epiphany at the weekend, following ?a 4 day mini-break to the Cathedral City of Lincoln (UK).

“…Have I recently been 'busy being busy', or have I been busy running a business? ...”

The Origin Of The Word Business

The word is?thought to have originated from the Old English word ‘bisignes,’ which indicated activity that created anxiety or care. ?In the?late 14th century the meaning expanded to indicate occupation, as in “what are you getting ?up to.” But it wasn’t until the early 18th century that any reference was made to commercial trade.

You’ll be pleased to know that the world didn’t fall apart because I stepped away from my desk. And ?that I came back in good health to find my desk in exactly the same state I’d left it …‘messy.’

But I have another confession. My over-thinking (creative brain) will be the death of me. Unless I start sleeping with one eye open during the night. Because you know I am an over-thinker, right? And you know how much trouble and unnecessary pain my negative thought patterns put me through, yeah?

Great (we’re on the same page).

How My Brain Works

Here’s the kind of negative thought patterns my brain tortures me with. A little demo of the deep philosophical questions my crazy brain thinks are urgent, life-threatening and floods me with when I’m not paying attention:

1)????? Should I be happy because the world kept on turning during my 4-day absence. OR

2)????? Should I be sad that the world didn’t seem to miss me? (boo-hoo! Joy with a sad face)

Yeah… you really can’t make this stuff up.


Please-please-please take a break. And yes, I see you clutching your laptop to your chest with that wild look in your eye. But it’s really important ?because it’s …

1. Too easy to get trapped in the business of busyness:

The deliberate state of being fully occupied by activities that have little or no impact on the sale of goods or services for profit. And,

2. It's hard to focus on the relevant busyness needed for business:

The deliberate desire, intention and strategic action of selling goods or services for profit.



All this over-thinking may give you a temporary nose-bleed or migraine. But it’s only possible to gain such deep personal insights, by jumping into your private helicopter and looking at life from a great distance (the higher the better). OR of course, by working with someone who been there, seen it, done it, and understands all the emotional and mental pitfalls and traps.


Rooting for you every step of the way. Go have that break. You've got this!


Next up and coming mini 35 minute zoom training :


????Follow or connect with Joy Langley for actionable emotional intelligence (EQ) tips and strategies that help you grow the owner so that you can stop ‘being busy being busy’ doing the wrong things and ?grow the business.

Subscribe to my other newsletter: Emotional Intelligence Mastery https://www.dhirubhai.net/build-relation/newsletter-follow?entityUrn=7028779147866861569

???Book 15mins of Joy find out what EQ Roadmap is needed to future-proof your business.



I help entrepreneurs gain unwavering confidence in their ability to challenge negative ?mental, emotional and behavioural patterns blocking business growth. ?And expand their emotional intelligence so they can...think better, feel better, and do better in life and business.

Chaz Horn

Consultants ? Attract New Prospects ? Engage Them In Conversation ? Convert into New Clients Seamlessly on LinkedIn **Speaker**

3 个月

Taking breaks and stepping back can provide valuable perspective. It's worth considering if any changes need to be made to ensure our busyness is purposeful.

Simone J. DeVone

Internal Communications Consultant | Creative Writer | Personal Development and Intrapersonal Skills Advocate | Harlem Scholar

3 个月

Overthinkers anonymous group member right here ??


EMPOWERING COMMUNITIES THROUGH SELFLESS SERVICE'S. TAlkSAbout:#CommunityDevelopment. #Sociallmpact. #Volunteerism. #NonprofitWork. #Philanthropy.

3 个月

Makes sense! JOY Langley

Gale Manning-Weithers

Empowering C-Suite leaders to grow their teams and brands through customized training workshops | Certified Instructional Designer & Virtual Training Facilitator | Disney Institute trained CX Professional | Author

3 个月

That's a good question JOY Langley and I'm an overthinker just like you so this article was needed!

Ariana Monell, PCC

I help professionals overcome public speaking fears, show up confidently on camera, and build an authentic brand that grows their income. (Free Training: 3 Essential Steps to Client-Attracting Videos - Link Below ?? )

3 个月

Love this, JOY Langley! The bit about business being an ‘indicated activity that created anxiety or care’—wow, no kidding! ?? And the whole ‘did they miss me or have I gone unnoticed?’ feeling is so real. I’ve definitely been there too! Thanks for sharing this, it’s such a good reminder that we’re all in this together ??


