Busting the Employment Myth! Assumability Part II
I was at the park this morning watching my Bernadoodles run around in circles aimlessly, crashing into each other and falling down for no reason – while the smart dogs looked on utterly perplexed. That actually happens; Bernadoodles are not the brightest bulbs, and the labs, huskies, springer spaniels, and pointers get very confused by their erratic behavior. This is me hoping that dog-intelligence does not correlate to owner-intelligence…
Anyway, one of the owners of a smart dog (Springer Spaniel) helps manage the pension fund for a large corporation, and he was telling me this morning how the economy is booming because the employment market is so strong. And I thought… “uh, oh… even my Bernadoodles know better – so I better put this myth to bed!”
But First, A Few Follow-Up Notes From Yesterday's Blog About Assumable Loans
I received a ton of feedback in response to yesterday’s blog: Assumable Mortgages; How to Get a 3% Mortgage in a 7% World, and I wanted to touch on a couple of things.
Employment Myth!
Here is the point I want to make again: Unemployment does not surge until after we are in a recession. Today’s ostensibly strong labor market is irrelevant.
I will illustrate this with two charts: An informative one, and a TERRIFYING one. In the chart below, the line represents unemployment, and the gray bars represent recessions.
A quick glance shows that unemployment ALWAYS bottoms out right before recessions, and then surges after we are in a recession. Unemployment bottomed in April at 3.4%, and now it is 3.8% - which should sound some alarm bells.
But – see farther below for the really scary chart!
Unemployment Rate & Recessions
The Really Scary Chart!
The chart below shows the percentage of the civilian labor force unemployed 15 weeks or longer. And, every time the number turns up, we go into a recession.
And the number just turned up…
Percent of Civilian Labor Force Unemployed 15 Weeks & Over
I could also share numerous media reports about the job market cooling like this one from the WSJ, The Job Market Boom Is Over, but I think the data above is the most telling.
Barry Habib also likes to remind us too that first we see hiring slow down, then we see employers cut hours, and then we finally start seeing the layoffs.
We’ve seen the hiring slow down and the hours getting cut, so now the final step seems imminent.