Businesses Are Reopening... Please Be Patient
Businesses are reopening in Massachusetts and it is our job as a community to be positive and patient as we enter into Phase 1: Start.
During the past 9 weeks, I've heard stories from restaurants of customers becoming irate if they have to wait in line for food and annoyed if they are refused service without a mask. Some customers even resorting to leaving nasty reviews on the Social Media pages of one of these businesses.
I challenge us all to change this mindset... If you have to wait in line, that means a business is busy. Good for them! If you have to wear a mask to be serviced, that means the business is doing everything they can to ensure that their employees and customers are safe. Again, good for them (and you)!
We must remember that errands and the way we used to do business are going to be DRASTICALLY different than they were back at the beginning of March (the glory days!). Instead of being impatient and annoyed, let's smile (yes, you can still tell if a person is smiling behind their mask) and support our local businesses. They've been through a lot. Our communities have been through a lot. Our economy has been through a lot. We all have. So let's give each other grace and show our Mom & Pop shops and Main Street businesses that we are behind them 100%!
Are you a local business or organization? Join the Reopening Greater Lowell Facebook group to share ideas, ask questions and work through this with others in our community.