Businesses That Hang Together, Grow Together
Randy Otterbridge
An A.I. Enthusiast Helping You With Business Strategy, Creating Digital Real Estate To Protect Your Income, And Delivering Massive Results To Your Bottom Line.
Jim Rohn famously said: "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with."
For one of the newsletters I write for, I wondered, in writing, if this relates to businesses too. That your business and its growth could be reflective of the businesses "it" hangs around.
That led me to write about entrepreneurs doing a good book of business BECAUSE they come together and spend time sharing ideas. You can grab the value from it here:
Now I'm gonna go a little old school on you here. Remember when your parents would say..."Birds of a feather flock together."? Okay, depending on how old you are that might not make any sense.
As it relates to business though, that statement and what Jim Rohn said start to make even MORE sense when we reflect on it. (I have my own stories of having to change friends in high school so that I could soar to different a higher heights) but that's an article for another day perhaps.
Anyway, isn't it true that the people (and in this case) businesses we "hang" around can 1) influence our mindset; 2) affect our self-esteem; 3) affect our behavior and actions?
Without writing a book about it here, what questions bubble to the surface thinking about who you are (or should be) hanging around? And for my fellow entrepreneurs, who should you be creating business and ideas in the company of?
I'm just asking and certainly not judging. But perhaps your business is asking the same questions too: "Who are we hanging with?"
To dig a little deeper into the newsletter article go here: