Barrie Pierpoint FCIM
Former Group PLC CEO and Managing Director. Currently NED, Chair, Interim CEO and Business Coach. First Chief Executive of Leicester City FC.
If you are running a business you are facing some very difficult and problematic times never experienced before due to a virus. Your whole way of working, operating and doing business has changed with so many restrictions, guidelines and safety measure to abide by.
It can be very unsettling, worrying and pressured if you are an SME particulaly an owner manager working independently and trying to keep your business afloat, the stress, the decisions and the business journey you are now taking are all unknown. How will your business survive the uncertain future?
On your own who do you turn to for help, advice, guidance, share problems, find solutions, have a sounding board for an idea or just some-one who listens and provides answers? With years of experience, expertise and successes I can help you make your business journey easier and more rewarding.
I am a former PLC CEO, MD and currently NED of several businesses with 30 years plus top flight experience in business such as, turnarounds, restructuring, growth, personnel development and I have assisted many businesses to become more sustainable and profitable. I have worked with and assisted - Start ups, SME's, larger organisations, not for profit and charities to develop, grow and become successful. Can I help you?
If you need some-one to help you and your business contact Barrie Pierpoint FCIM Tel 07720 406806 or email [email protected]