Businesses that Do Well, Do Good.
The community investment world received a boost yesterday as a number of companies announced an increase in giving as a result of the tax plan passed by Congress. As I read the announcements, two trends came into focus—people and community. Companies are sharing the benefits of the tax plan with their employees and with the communities where they operate.
In my work at the Chamber Foundation, I’ve seen firsthand that when businesses do well, they do good. Regardless of opinions on the tax plan, these immediate investments are just the beginning for the positive impact businesses will have in communities in 2018. Below are a few of the investments that caught my eye—if you’re company is making new investments please reach out and share with our team at the Chamber Foundation.
Comcast NBCUniversal—Is giving all of their frontline and non-executive employees a $1,000 bonus while also planning to invest more than $50 billion over the next five years in infrastructure that will create “thousands of new direct and indirect jobs.”
Boeing—Committed an additional $300 million in investments—divided evenly between corporate giving, workforce development, and infrastructure development.
Wells Fargo—Is investing in both its people and community—the company announced it would increase its minimum wage by 11% and plans to increase its giving to community and nonprofit organizations by about 40%, totaling $400 million in 2018.
As we turn towards 2018, the Chamber Foundation looks forward to working with the companies making these announcements to make a greater impact in communities throughout the country. If your company is making greater community investments in 2018, let us know by commenting below.