Business Vision vs. Mission Statement: What’s the Difference?
Maria Marsala
Recovering Wall Street Executive, award winning Business Strategist & Coach, International speaker, author, Webinar Leader
A Business Vision Statement paints a picture of your company goals and your growth.?It’s usually a paragraph or a few sentences in length. Your vision statement changes over time because it includes your goals, staffing needs, and more.
A Mission Statement is about your clients, their results when they work with you, and the benefits of working with you.?A Mission Statement is no longer than eight words. Your mission statement doesn't change. The words might get tweaked, but not it's intent.
Essentially, the focus makes them different from each other.?
That's the process and definitions I use when I help clients create the vision and mission statement.?I know others who see things a bit differently.?That's OK.?The process I use has been tested in more than 500K businesses internationally.
So, now that we got those definitions out of the way, let’s get back to your vision.
Your vision fits into a well-thought-out?Business Vision Statement!?Notice that your business is completely defined by YOUR definitions of success, YOUR picture of what you want YOUR business to look like!?Look at how many “departments” this affects in your business: Sales, Marketing, HR, Operations.?It addresses WHAT you do and for WHOM.?You can use ONE, TIDY statement and share it with your team so that they GET what you’re building right away.
Finally, a BVS helps family members, who are cautionary and caring, see what you’re building.?It makes the business “look real” in their eyes.
Create your BVS today during a free 25-minute Masterclass with great notes to download and print.?Sign up now.