Business As Unusual

Business As Unusual

It's been really interesting to watch how people are handling their brands during this particular time. 

I've watched some people act like nothing is happening at all and keep running ads for their latest freebie or checklist with no mention of what's going on in the world. 

I've also seen some people create groups and communities on the fly and set them up on the Book Of Faces and other platforms. 

I've also watched a bunch of people fire up their phones and shoot videos telling us all what they're going through during this time and the "three things to do in uncertain times" or something similar. 

And the truth of the matter is that there is no "right" way to handle your brand right now because we're dealing with entire industries being shut down and people on every part of the emotional spectrum of hopeful to fearful. 

But there is one thing that I think is going to be a constant when it comes to branding during this time and it's something you can't swipe. 

Owning your humanity. 

The problem with 90% of the Covid 19 emails we're getting from companies is that even if it's coming from the CEO it sounds like someone crafted the perfectly safe thing to say and sent it out. 

And as you think about the message you want to send to your prospects, clients, and teams it's really important to ask if you're in touch with that human side of things in your interactions. 

Here are a few things to consider as you start to craft these messages: 

1. This is the time to avoid assumptions as though you are avoiding touching your face. I am making it a point in every interaction I have to check in and see how people are doing first and foremost because you never know what folks are going through right now. It's worth it to take the time and get the lay of the land with your audience before picking up the bullhorn. 

2. It's really easy to copy right now. So many people are saying the same thing that it feels like those things are the only things to say, but I have to be honest, I don't want another title that talks about doing things in "uncertain times" and I'm already starting to get tired of that phraseology. Take the time to ask if you're using your own words and your own way of describing things or just parroting what's being said. I promise you that you'll have more success cutting through the noise. 

3. It's also easy to veer into someone else's lane. I've never watched so many people become work from home "experts" so quickly. If you have really nailed that process and have your own things to share, then great, but be careful of trying to teach something that isn't part of what you normally teach. If you've taken the time to develop expertise in a certain area, it's better to see how your expertise could apply to what's going on right now, than to try and teach people something you dabbled in. 

4. Focus on contribution. In much the same way I'd suggest that your content be about making other people look good, I'm going to say that what seems to be working really well right now is material that people can use right now. Even if the only focus of the content is to give someone some hope or some different ways of thinking, there's enough hard stuff to read about right now. Focus on what your content can give to your audience., 

5. Do what works for you. And yes, that includes in reference to everything I mentioned above. The only thing that will tank your content is if you write it without being true to who you are. So if there are things that have been working for you and it rubs up against any of the other recommendations you get, test those things and see what happens. Only you know what feels right when it comes to the content you create, so don't lose that part of you. 

It's not business as usual right now. 

It's business as unusual. 

Let me know how it goes out there in the trenches. 


P.S. I write a daily email that teaches you how to make your brand referable, your messages memorable, and your ideas unforgettable. Want it? Go HERE


