Business Travel Trends 2020 And Beyond – Positive Trends For The New Decade
Image by marcus zymmer Via Wikimedia Commons (CC0 1.0)

Business Travel Trends 2020 And Beyond – Positive Trends For The New Decade

As a new decade draws closer and the world is seeking new ways to get over the chaos caused by the pandemic, there is a silver lining to look forward to. Statistics prove that ten years can help the world evolve and change; ten years ago, we had no Apple watch to count our steps or Google maps to help show us the way. While the future is still uncertain, many predict it will be bright, hence here’s a look at what will shape future business practices and business travel trends - 2020 and beyond!

Business Travel Will Expand And Grow With Some Budget-Friendly Help

Global trade will have the biggest impact on business travel. A slump in global economies will automatically put restrictions on corporate travel but such trends have been the norm and through all such rough patches and slumps in global economies, business travel, has always seen a rise. But travelling on business will have its fair share of hurdles.

Travel managers will be faced with more than a few conundrums; supporting expanding teams, managing travel costs and supporting travel as part of the company’s growth scheme and not a budget eater. The bottom line is to understand that corporate travel is a strategic investment in a business. Suggestions lean towards corporate offers made by hotels supporting business travel. Places like Oaks Redcliffe Mon Komo Suites having supported both the leisure and business traveller will be hot choices. Not just for the offers and discounts but a range of meeting and business facilities made available. Say, for example, you and colleagues are travelling to Queensland on business, booking Redcliffe holiday apartments will be ideal for that added mileage on that corporate travel budget.

Technology Will Evolve With Artificial Intelligence Helping Out More

While in our smartphones we now carry our PC’s, maps, calculators, calendars and much more. Technology is predicted to reach even greater heights. A.I. will be playing a supporting role where one no longer wastes time ‘searching’, instead of booking a hotel for your next corporate trip will be as simple as inputting your likes, dislikes, budgets and needs. New apps and programmes will evolve where real-time updates on airfare and hotel rates will be instant notifications. Monitoring airfare prices on real-time will help business travellers book tickets when its cheapest. Thus, saving on their travel budgets.

Bottom line, predications show technology disappearing into the background, a silent aid that will be the backbone of all necessities. The best part? You are not expected to be savvy on the usage of machines to enjoy the benefits.

Seamless Travel Predicts More Control For People

While technology will be the backbone for all conveniences related to business travel; you the corporate traveller will be at the helm. Travel will be seamless, from hitting a button to summon your Uber ride to booking your next destination. The business travel manager will have full control of the entire process thus, controlling budgets!

The result, better savings that supports growth in business travel!

Become A Guru For Sustainable Travel

While sustainable travel will be huge by 2021, business travellers will be seen as ambassadors, dispersing their experiences and knowledge gained through global travel. Trends learned in one destination will be shared with the next; the company too will be on a learning curve, benefiting through insights and updates brought in by colleagues exploring various corners of a newly evolving world.

Are you ready to experience a new era in business travel?




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