Business Transformation Around AI & Data – Skills and Expertise Across Data within Business Operations

Business Transformation Around AI & Data – Skills and Expertise Across Data within Business Operations

The Opportunity

In an interactive session at Pandit Deendayal Energy University ( to a mixture of students and staff in technology, business systems, cyber security, and energy technology, I had the privilege of engaging on the topic of “Aspects of Data & Artificial Intelligence within Business” in a 90-minute session. In this diverse conversation, aspects of the business take up of AI, the role of data, some business opportunities and career aspects were discussed. For many, this brought a different view (coming from the business side) to the many technical realities seen. The operational and implementation aspects required by business was an area of opportunity. While a lot of ground was covered and discussed, much commonality was seen with Australia and with other countries. The commonality of need across businesses, organisations, and government was noted in this and other sessions (see Related Posts). The significance of data in both current business and in artificial intelligence was an area to address further.

The Takeout

Of the many areas of overlap and commonality around data, AI, business transformation and technology transformation, were:

  • Data in AI – The role of data in impacting AI. No data = No AI. Having AI being treated as a user of data, with the liabilities, responsibilities, and accountabilities which come from this.
  • Data within Technology – The importance of having technologists aware of the business and operational aspects of data, data governance, data risk, strategic risk, data sovereignty, and the role of data in business. Technology is how data are accessed and managed.
  • Business within Technology – Benefits to business and those in technology with skills and expertise in business management. Whether it is selling and customer service, contracts, through vendors, across budgets and business cases, to resource management, risk, and vendor management. Having core business skills embedded within technology is to the advantage of a business and careers.
  • Business Awareness of Data - Need for those in business to have an appreciation of and working knowledge of data, data governance, data risk, strategic risk from data, data sovereignty impacting business, as well as operational data management considerations. From operational impacts of data and related issues on costs, to financial management, to risk-management for the protection of business, there are a range of experiences and expertise which can be applied to benefit business.
  • Data within Sectors – The appreciation of and working knowledge of data, data management, data governance, data risk, strategic risk from data, data sovereignty applied to operations within areas like medicine, engineering, and other areas having a dependency upon data.

These requirements were recognised in the discussions. Staff and students within this and related presentations affirmed similar needs. Challenges like space in the curriculum as well as staffing skills and expertise for implementation were identified. The cross-business requirement did not go un-noted. The importance of data to government policy and government policy on data was noted.

Independently, these data requirements have been supported by feedback from business, government, and agencies, as well as from other presentations. These requirements are well known and familiar, but it was the commonality of need and the affirmation of importance that was a major takeout. When ready, we look forward to providing more details and how can we help?

The Presentation

A copy of the presentation is at (related post). A full suite of slides is made available, though the use of the slides varied in session according to need and conversation.

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Keith S.

Business and Technology Transformation | Program Management PMOs TMOs | Artificial Intelligence & Data Governance Integration

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This post forms part of our information source of videos (nearly 330), together with postings, books, and conference proceedings (see Business Transformation – An Information Gateway: ( which are freely available to realise #ai #artificialintelligence #businesstransformation #technologytransformation #airisk #technologyrisk #datarisk

Keith S.

Business and Technology Transformation | Program Management PMOs TMOs | Artificial Intelligence & Data Governance Integration

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Based on the opportunities from presenting at various organisations on aspects of #data #ai #artificialintelligence #algorithms #llms #sovereignrisk #strategicrisk #datarisk #airisk #datagovernance #aigovernance on the uptake of #ai and related career and business opportunities,. In essence, No data = No AI. The importance of having technologists aware of the business and operational aspects of #data. Benefits to business and those in technology with skills and expertise in business management. Having business awareness of #data. The appreciation of and working knowledge of #data within areas like medicine, engineering, and other areas having a dependency upon data. Please enjoy the post.

Keith S.

Business and Technology Transformation | Program Management PMOs TMOs | Artificial Intelligence & Data Governance Integration

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Mentioned Links ? Implementing Artificial Intelligence - Emerging Openings and Business Opportunities ( ? Opportunities from Cloud, Data, Artificial Intelligence and Automated Knowledge Worker Services - and want to get ahead, skip to about 35:00 minutes in the video ( for an overview of some business opportunities. ? Technology & Opportunity Reflections – Data for Assured AI Services ( ? Technology & Opportunity Reflections – Technology Integration for Emergent AI Outcomes ( ? Technology & Opportunity Reflections – Risk Based Data Practice for Artificial Intelligence (



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