Business Transformation Around AI & Data – Managing Run the Business and Change the Business
The Opportunity
Being extended the privilege of doing a workshop on “Project and Transformation Management Around Artificial Intelligence” held at Amity University ( to a diverse group of stakeholders, I came away with many lessons and it seems, a satisfied audience - A Day of Insightful Conversations on AI and Transformation Management ( summarises some aspects with the opportunity included a kick-off session, followed by a 90-minute townhall on project management with trends in data and AI. After the townhall, with a range of conversations and over lunch, a roundtable for 3-hours encompassing a poster session, group collaboration, and shared presentations on project management was completed. A short closure was included for free-flowing questions and shared experiences.
Beyond the well-received experience and hearing from a diverse group who affirmed common needs and experiences, one the many take outs relates to how artificial intelligence is driving the need for project management skills in the delivery of projects, the business management of projects, and the integration of project outcomes within operations. Confirmation of this need across business and organisations, the demand seen in Australia, and other countries (see Related Posts), was enlightening.
The Takeout
In convening these sessions around project and transformation management occurring in response to business changes around artificial intelligence and data, I learned much, with many aspects and opinions being affirmed from others. Aspects included, but not limited to:
One of the main take outs was the commonality across businesses and organisations being experienced and how the respective capacity and capability development is accommodated. Particularly the required educational development and the inclusion within busy work requirements and academic curriculum.
The townhall presentation is available at (, with others being available on request. A full suite of slides is made available, though the use of the slides varied in session according to need and conversation.
Thank You
Thank you to Dr. Balvinder Shukal, Dr. Manoj Kumar Pandey, Dr. Natisha Hasteer, and Dr. Vangmayee Sharda, as well as the staff and students who participated.
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