Is Business Transactional?
I've often been told over the years of the transactional nature of business and that I shouldn't become emotionally involved.
I disagree!
I understand that colleagues, confidants and mentors clearly mean the process of business and not necessary the people, but I am emotionally connected to both.
I fully believe in the values of a business and I equally believe that people within a business must be value aligned to ensure effectiveness of that business, but processes also need emotional input.
Outstanding customer service and alignment to their values can only be achieved if processes are in place and importantly followed, and for this to be effective we must emotionally invest in those processes.
I'm not a raving advocate for failure, although there are days when I question this description, but I do believe that being value invested and aligned to those you work with and this enables the acceptance of mistakes and failures as we grow and improve.
Clearly there is a range of transactional processes within business but I believe our emotional imprint is indelibly stamped on these.
It's often those undertaking those processes that are either delivering these with the passion of the company values, or going through the transactional process without any personal investment in the task they're undertaking, and there lies the challenge.
Saying and demonstrating value alignment are two separate acts that significantly impact on the outcome of the task undertaken but can be difficult to identify.
Most people have at least a superficial affinity to an organisations core values as it's often easy to be carried along on the wave of collective enthusiasm, but it's much harder to espouse these when under a spotlight of accountability.
I've often made mistakes, failed and made poor colleague choices as I develop and grow but that only reinforces my belief in our core values and my desire to emotionally align myself to all transactions regardless of perceived value.
I'd love to hear your views