Business: Today’s Path To Our Greatest Growth
Andrew Averett, CPA, CEPA
I help 7 figure business owners generate more positive cash flow ??and cut years (if not decades) off of their financial freedom goals.?? Use your business to support--not be--your life.
Have you seen the Geico commercial where Pinocchio is a bad motivational speaker?? He says “In this room I see nothing but untapped potential.” Then points to a man and says “You have potential”, and his nose grows...“Oh boy”.?
It makes me laugh every time.??
But what if he’s right?
Everyday I work with businesses who have tremendous amounts of untapped potential.? There’s profit and human potential just waiting to be released. But why is stalled, just sitting on the sidelines??
The best answer I’ve found is a simple equation P - I = P.?
Potential - Interference = Performance?
P - I = P
Every workday we show up we have a chance to stretch and grow ourselves.? But in so many instances, we hit interference.? Most of that interference is mental interference, we get in our own way.? We are also creatures of routine and habit.? We are programed to keep tomorrow the same as today. We see the potential (or a limited view of it) and we hit resistance as we strive to step up to that potential.?
The result, we get sub-par performance and miss out on opportunities right in front of us.?
I have belief that business is our modern day greatest opportunity to grow, develop and become a better version of ourselves.?
Historically we’ve had things like war to push ourselves and our countries to stretch and get more out of ourselves than we’ve known we were able to. In order to survive, you were forced to build up your defenses, your skills and come together in tribes and nations to have armies to defend yourself and expand.?
But in modern life, thankfully we have limited wars and we’ve fallen into slumps (low levels of performance) because we have so many conveniences and we can live a very comfortable life.??
So amidst that comfort, how do we grow and develop??
Where are we really challenged in life???
Where are we forced to become more??
Where are you asked to push beyond your current skill, knowledge or abilities?
Business is the place where I see the modern day individual have their greatest opportunities to struggle, develop and grow.???
That’s why I love working with entrepreneurs.? They are pushing their upper limits and hitting the edge of their comfort zone.? They see an opportunity and they begin to act to make their idea come to life. And on that journey, they encounter uncertainty, challenges, innumerable setbacks, discouragement and?
What I’ve also found it that it is very lonely at the top.? When you hit the challenges, the edge of your knowledge or experience, how do you push beyond??
That’s why Upper Limit Consulting exists.? Because entrepreneurs need support and a broader vision beyond the current challenge.? I love to meet you right at the edge of your comfort zone, the edge of your experience, the place where you keep hitting a wall and have no clue where to go next.? I love that place and that edge, that is where I play.?
Because it is right at that edge that I can step in and support you in your struggle. So when you shake your head and want to throw in the towel, you have access to help.? You can powerfully face the challenge head on, grapple with it, and overcome to push through to new levels, new challenges and new heights that were not possible before.?
Business pushes all of us to transcend ourselves and become more.? Many shrink from the effort and play it safe, and as Henry David Thoreau puts it “live lives of quiet desperation.”??
But for many of you settling is not an option.? You know you can’t and you find a reason to push.?
The journey of entrepreneurship is difficult, it challenges all that we are and shows us where we are lacking.? But at the same time, it provides us the greatest opportunities we have in life to truly push ourselves, to see what we are made of and unlock potential that was dormant when we stayed in our comfort zone.?
I salute you for staying in the game, for striving, falling down, getting dirty, struggling with both internal and external challenges.? Leading a business is hard.? But with that difficulty comes amazing personal and financial rewards that are only attained through the effort.??
If you are at your “Upper Limit”, I invite you to reach out and connect so that together we can face the challenge, help you break through and realize the potential that you know is possible on the other side of your current upper limits.??
You don’t have to climb alone.???