Business Thriller Ahead
Editor: Noble House Group –
Belgium M.B.O. a Balancing Act Feels like Dancing on a Tightrope.
A-typical logistics business narrative book about:
Management Buy Out – M.B.O. A tension field between: seller, buyer, advisor and bank. Legal provisions, procedures, innovation, business development, trust, loyalty, financing, competition, knowledge and actors…
Every Successful Entrepreneur Needs a Power Partner and Super Family!
Peter Drucker's adage: " A company has two - and no more than two - basic functions: marketing and innovation, which generate money where all the other functions are cost centers."
"This book is a page-turner I finished in one go. With great pleasure I strongly recommend it: To (young) Start-Ups or MBO-er and Business Leaders:
The high degree of reality is an example of how a good idea not necessarily leads to success. A sound financial basis, is an inevitable start-up prerequisite, because innovation is a fast cash-burner.
A must read book you will no doubt enjoy as much as I did.
Marc Embo - "
Note from the Editor: Free translation of: Vuil Spel (Foul Play) from the same Author. Any resemblance to real persons is coincidental and unintentional, existing only in this story.
Proprietary of Noble House Group – Be!, duplicating in any form whatsoever is prohibited without the written consent of the publisher.
The Big Black Hole January - 21
“Traumatic experiences often suppresses memory” Doc. Georges said “possibly a temporary state of mind, possibly not. It always is a built in protection mechanism against the self-destructive tendency of the mind, self-protection really. “
“A shattered life, tattered. What a waste of energy, 48 hours a day, 7 on 7 for nearly 25 years quasi the same company and now …. One big black hole,” Dona Ann sighed numbly.
“Let him write about it” the doctor said “it will undoubtedly help to restore the abated memories!”
A brilliant mind, innovative trendsetter, Captain of Industry….. Had it been one bridge too far. That transparency on the website? Was this the proverbial straw that broke the camels’ back? How much balls can one keep in the air simultaneously….?
15 elements that never concurrently could occur – even when planned – what Chinese call ‘Bad Joss 1)’ - came together that one day.
Notwithstanding well filled order books, the company had by virtue of "Bad Joss" completely exhausted its financial resources.
Even the contracted venture capitalist with investment opportunities could not stop the bank to irrevocably close the money faucet.
A promissory note from a candidate transferee, whom as usual in Belgium would buy after receivership, turned out to be an empty promise.
The staff responded defeated: “The management is not to blame.
The bank destroyed the hope for survival.”
Luckily, History is lived forward and written backwards.
1) Source: Noble House by James Clavell
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The One Dollar* [#bookclub]:?Foul Play!
Composed by Paul Van den Brande Co-Managing Partner @ Noble House Group -Be! Featuring #NHGBe
Any opinions expressed are those of the authors.
Published by?#NHGBe?2022-08-25 -Be-Time 09:30 AM?
*The One Dollar concept is proprietary of Noble House Group – Be! Featuring #NHGBe