Business Success Thursday Volume 245! You deserve what you tolerate!
Hello ??, welcome to Business Success Thursday #245!
Here is another extract from our upcoming book, The Premier Way!...
Here is todays book page:
You deserve what you tolerate!
This may sound a little harsh but it is an enduring principle in all areas of life.
Lets apply this to business for now:
If you as a leader continue to tolerate sloppiness, you will simply get more of it.
If you don’t keep the rope tight in the bathroom for example, the problem will not go away, it will get worse.
This is why you must pull out your phone immediately and share a photo or video, on your group chat, of the problem/ issue at hand. You must do it immediately. This is applying the principle of one piece flow. Do it now. Don’t let the problems mount up. This creates batch work which is the enemy! Batch work creates waste and we are constantly at war with waste. You cannot take a passive approach to dealing with waste or it will overwhelm you.
In one of our previous chapters we said that you are either in state of decline or a state of improvement. It is one or the other. There is no middle ground.
So if you are struggling with business problems, relationship problems, family problems, health problems etc then it is time to stop and fix what bugs you. It is time to stop tolerating average thinking and average habits and embrace great thinking and great positive action. It is time to eliminate your current average habits and start new, positive habits.
If you don’t, you will continue to have an average business, an average life, an average marriage, average or poor health…. The list goes on.
A lean thinker understands this principle: You deserve what you tolerate.
An average thinker employs the victim and blame mentality and continues to live an average life.
A lean thinker embraces accountability and ownership and leads an ever improving life.
What things, attitudes and behaviours are you tolerating right now in your team and in your life?
You deserve what you tolerate, so what are you going to do differently today to improve your situation?
Here is a real example: You can either complain and moan about someone’s disrespect of our bathrooms or lunchrooms or you can pull out your phone, shoot a powerful video and message for the team, clean up the mess and keep moving forward.
If it happens again, do you tolerate it? Or do you take further action? That is your choice. We are faced with choices like this every day.
This one principle is often the difference between average leaders and great leaders.
An average leader will give up if things are not improving. A great leader will never give up but will keep working with his or her team to improve the situation.
A great leader is a problem solver and will do what ever it takes to keep improving the standard. They will not tolerate sloppiness in their team. They will keep the rope tight at any cost.
In conclusion: You deserve what you tolerate because only YOU can change and improve the standard that you tolerate.
Take action: What changes are you going to make in your leadership style and life right now to live up to this principle?
Get out amongst your team to see what is really going on. There is no substitute for GLS (Go look see) Go to Gemba! This is one of our core principles at PGNZ and one that we train all our coaching clients about from day one!
P.S. At Premier Business Academy we have tonnes of great resources to help you on this journey and support you along the way! Please feel free to email me back or go to:
Cheers to your success!
Bernard and the team at Premier Group NZ!