It is Business still valid or might we must start to think to change why and how and what we do as human beings and where to start ?
Tullio Barrecchia
Author Winner The Golden Wizard Book Prize ; Founder and Director of The Theatrical Company “ The New Comedy of Art”; Mr Motivator and Athlete. IPHM Qigong and T’ai Chi ,Meditation Coach .Actor, Dancer , Choreographer.
To you the dear reader ,
We are living in a time of great transformation and change , can you feel it ?
Are we ready to discover new ways to learn and to "work" to access to greater potentials , new levels of fulfillment and success ?
There is only one way to achieve it and all the Great Hearts, that did walk on our planet Earth, did indeed talk about it:
Knowledge is power but without wisdom what kind of power ?!
Greater insights, greater creativity, great sensitivity are they possible? Can we go further ? We do want to go further ?
All transformations involve change !To feel is necessary to heal !
I really believe that now is the time and this is why I am writing this article.
I trust and believe in our Greatness.
The New Comedy of Art.