A business rule vs. a business operation - Business Rules
Shrikesh M.
An Experienced IT Administrator | Windows server| CCNA | AZURE Database Administrator Associate |A+
Welcome People, Bots & Algo’s of THE INTERWEBS. This is the Thursday Edition of The Analyst.
Here At the @analyst we don’t give the most in-depth explanation or tutorial,
We give just enough so you can be dangerous enough.
Why do I need to know what a business operation is?
Business operations are outside of my wheelhouse.
I also don't want to take on any more responsibility. I'm a data analyst or a data engineer. That's my lane.
As you can attest, our work is embedded in every aspect of the organization. It's easy to experience scope creep.
Yes, you're filtering requests from multiple departments, and you're so busy completing tasks that you lose sight of what your main job responsibilities are.
This is your reminder that you're not a data generalist.
Business Operations
Business operations are the daily, monthly, quarterly, and annual activities that organizations engage in to earn a profit.
At a basic level, business operations are the strategic arm of the organization.
There's forecasting, quality control, and supply chain management activities that need to be ironed out. As you've probably guessed, business operations encompass a lot, including business rules, practices, and policies.
Social Media Example
For instance, a social media company would consider the type of advertising campaign it needs to identify highly influential profiles, increase their fan base, and boost length of engagement on their platform.
The company's leadership would set the vision for this work while other departments handle the implementation.
Data roles Focus on how to represent? the digital aspect of the leadership’s vision Through data management business rules
Those of us in data roles, particularly data analyst and data engineers, focus on how to represent the digital aspects of the leadership's vision through data management business rules. Nothing more.
Not every aspect of the business can be expressed or reduced to a digital format or data asset.
What's important to consider is staying clear on the one to two frequent business departments that serve as your data source.
Also, be aware of the one to two frequent business departments that your data outcomes are sent.
Knowing your data inputs and outputs helps you better understand how your work supports strategic operations of the business.
The lines between business operations, practices, and policies as a data practitioner blur easily if you're not alert.