Business Returning to Normal in the Netherlands
NITC has just waved off the latest cohort of 8 Northern Irish entrepreneurs participating in the Invest NI Going Dutch programme.
Across a wide range of sectors – engineering, commercial vehicles, ICT, medical, drinks, skincare, construction, renewables and leisure – the aspirant exporters completed 35 individually tailored meetings across the Netherlands to develop their market knowledge, grow their network of key contacts and assess various trading opportunities presented.?
Export Strategies will be fine-tuned and Action Plans activated in the weeks leading up to the summer break, with return visits already being planned.
Congrats to all involved in the organisation and delivery of the programme and many thanks to the local Dutch companies who hosted a visit at their premises – something that wasn’t feasible this time last year. Virtual meetings offer some efficiencies but are no substitute for site and store visits, factory tours, face to face meet ups, product demos, hand shakes and sharing experiences (and photos) with peers.
Hopefully just no delays through Schiphol this afternoon to take the shine off a great week ?