Business Relationships for Programmers
Business Relationships describe the link between two SAP objects in the corresponding Content Server Workspaces.
Lets make a deep dive into the SAP Part of building a Property Provider
How to configure?
The SPRO transaction is the thing to execute.
Click then on the SAP Reference IMG Botton
Next, open Open Text ECMLink for SAP Solutions section
Content Server (not covered here)
Here, the Admin Pages Section SAP ECMLink Administration is the right place
Step 1: SAP Developer (only covered here)
This is the only stepwe are covering in this dive.
How to create your own Provider:
In this example, only the KUNNR (customer number) and the BUKRS (company code) is needed on the Content Server side.
KUNNR (customer number)
BUKRS (company code)
Still missing
Classification and Target
Template and Category
Refining the get_properties method
and the mapping
Redefing the get_properties method
Here in the next 3 Screenshots is the data selection
Still there is some Data Mapping
If something goes wrong...
You can use the Error Queue in transaction / OTX/RM_WSC_PEQ
Happy Creating of your Property Provider