Business Reading Recommendations & Memorable Business Quotes: Halftime

Business Reading Recommendations & Memorable Business Quotes: Halftime

Every few weeks, I will be recommending some valuable reading for business owners, along with a memorable quote from the book.

Your business can only progress at the rate at which you, as leader, are growing your own competence. The highest achievers are those who are constantly learning.

So if you aren’t currently reading a book – pick one up!


The book I’m highlighting in this week’s blog is all about what to do when you’ve reached that so-called ‘final’ level of success, and are now wondering where to direct your skills and energy…

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Halftime by Bob Buford

If you are running a business, I am sure you are familiar with the consistent drive required to achieve each next level of growth. You may be familiar with the stages of success, and you have probably been hiking your way up that pyramid already.

What happens when you reach the top? What happens when you’ve built a highly systemised business that runs efficiently and profitably without your ongoing effort and input?

It is at this point that Halftime comes into play: you start to change your direction from chasing success to becoming significant.

Bob Buford’s framework can give you a bit of clarity on how to continue your personal ascent after you have achieved classical success. No matter what stage you are at with your business, I recommend this book to ignite your inspiration for the legacy you want to create and become.

As you grow your business, as you systemise and develop it, you too are growing and becoming something greater. You are nurturing the ingredients within yourself that will let you give back to the world once you have reached the top.

Be ready for the time when you achieve all the success you dream of… because there’s still more!

Memorable Quote from Halftime

The feeling of being hurried is not usually the result of living a full life and having no time. It is, on the contrary, born of a vague fear that we are wasting our life. When we do not do the one thing we ought to do, we have no time for anything else – we are the busiest people in the world.

– Bob Buford

A Coach Speeds Things Up

Everyone’s path to success and significance is different. Some take the long and winding route, learning from their own mistakes. Others take the short and sharp way to the top, leveraging collective intelligence and skills.

The difference can just be in having a coach. Let us know a little bit about your business and your goals, then have a quick chat with us and find out if you could be getting to your Halftime sooner rather than later.

For more book recommendations, take a look at the full article here:


