Business Rate Relief Data - Engaging during the Lockdown.

Business Rate Relief Data - Engaging during the Lockdown.

With many offices currently closed, Telsolutions and Destin Solutions have joined forces to enrich Council data for business rates relief messaging, enabling Authorities to engage with businesses using more direct digital contact.

With numerous businesses unable to receive mailed letters containing important details about business rate relief claims, digital contact is the best tool to help bridge that gap. A direct contact approach with SMS Text Messaging and Email helps improve the speed and level of responses.

Using their HUB portal, Destin Solutions are now enriching existing Local Authority business rates contact details to improve outreach. Telsolutions have facilitated the tracing of this process and provided both SMS Text and Email communication capabilities with detailed reporting to improve the process end to end.

If you want to find out more contact Daniel Pearce at Telsolutions – 01279 456 679 [email protected]

Destin Solutions Ltd:

We help Councils and Enforcement Agencies operating on their behalf to generate more revenue and improve performance by transforming data into actionable insight. We achieve this by developing business intelligence applications that optimise people, processes and information.

We work with Councils and Enforcement Agencies across the UK, consulting on and implementing technology and workflow process solutions for Council Tax, Housing Benefits, Business Rates, Corporate Debt, Finance and Customer Service teams.

Telsolutions Ltd

Telsolutions provide customer contact technology & services specifically developed for debt recovery and income applications. Our unique strategies and communication services are designed to simplify business process and increase outcomes.

Telsolutions industry experience is second to none for proactive services, our client support and guidance that reduces operational costs and improves income rates.

We demonstrate business efficiency gains and savings directly through clear success measurement and continual account performance review.

Telsolutions are the recognised leader for developing cost effective artificial intelligent services specifically designed for local government and enforcement recovery applications. 


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