Business Portraits, Part 2
Peter J.Raimondi for INVESTOR NEWS

Business Portraits, Part 2

What The Pose Says About You

Body language is important. I’ve spent a lot of time simply watching people, how they stand, use their hands, facial expressions, etc. Casual is fine if it aligns with your business and customers. Lawyers, as a group, seem to think appearing with their arms crossed makes them look tough. I understand, but it doesn’t…it looks intransient. “My way or the highway”. And, as a group, lawyers are going to negotiate right up to the final gavel. Lawyers are anything but intransient. I recently came across an entire corporate leadership team photographed individually, with their arms crossed…must have been the only pose the photographer knew. Everybody looks uncomfortable, leaning back, closed off and not interested in whatever the viewer has to say. Crossed arms also strain the suit shoulders and sleeves, especially now when guys are wearing suits that are too small, too tight.

Or how about a free kick pose? You know, in soccer, when one team gets a shot on goal, the defenders stand shoulder to shoulder in front of the goal to try to prevent a score. Where do the defenders put their hands? Crossed over the family jewels…the fig leaf pose. Nice! Cringe worthy! Please, please take note!

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Dr. John A. Rock, Founding Dean, FIU Medical School

Few photographers working today seem to be aware of how corrective posing is employed. Unfortunately, I see cringe-worthy business portraits all the time. Big heads, little heads, (Usually a mix on the same page.), oily, shiny faces, glare on glasses, “broken necks”, men with effeminate head tilts, the list goes on and on.

My favorite is the seated head and should pose with the subject turned to far to the side so the shoulder is huge and the first thing the viewer sees. Sometimes referred to as the “Over the shoulder pose”. To my eye, it looks like a 1950’s glamour pose for women. My fine art studies (I have an MFA in photography.) allowed me to study the Renaissance artists, sculpturers, painters and their use of chiaroscuro and contrapposto. Both may be utilized to create corporate portraits. Chiaroscuro is shadowing...used properly and controlled, shadowing can hide weight...but it can also be used to add weight. For instance, a thin face will benefit from “broad lighting” ...that is, the lighter side of the face is toward the camera. The effect is to widen the face. Broad lighting is also the safest and most often used by default. A wide, round face will likewise benefit from “short lighting”...where the lighter side is away from the camera. The effect is to narrow the face. Short lighting takes practice but adds significantly more interest to a portrait.

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Steven Sonberg, Managing Partner, Holland & Knight

Contrapposto is an interesting pose where the subject is relaxed, with their weight shifted to the rear. When we stand comfortably, we often shift our weight into a contrapposto pose without realizing it. Look at business portraits and you will see the subject to often leaning back. Leaning away from the viewer does not promote approachability or friendliness. Nor does leaning away lend confidence in one's ability...the subject can even look “shifty”. Not exactly what you want in a corporate, business portrait.

To counter the instinct to relax and lean back, I have my subjects lean slightly toward the camera. This does a couple of things for the subject...1. The subject looks engaged with the viewer. 2. Knowing the camera only has one “eye”, anything close to the camera will be slightly larger. By leaning toward the camera, the subject’s face is brought into proportion to their torso, creating a natural appearance. Men with well-developed shoulders (OK, big shoulders.) will look like they have small heads if they don’t lean toward the camera. And lastly, 3. leaning toward the camera can lessen the appearance of a double chin.

On the surface, portraits may seem simple…they are not. We all have physical flaws, and a professional photographer will minimize what needs attention and emphasize your best qualities. Remember you want to appear relaxed, experienced, knowledgeable, confident, personable, and approachable. As a person with whom anyone would want to do business.

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Larry Gatz is a commercial photographer in Miami, Florida specializing in advertising, corporate and industrial commissions. Over the past 30 years, his photography has been recognized both nationally and internationally. His clients have included Senators, Governors, Congressmen, national advertising agencies, magazines, and multinational corporations. Larry‘s work may be seen at: and Call when you or your board, leadership team, need great executive portraits.?305.751.5007


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