Business Owners Showing Gratitude for Employees

Business Owners Showing Gratitude for Employees

One of the things I love about my job is how much I learn from the small businesses I advise. I am continually impressed by their creativity and thoughtfulness in taking care of their company culture. Organizations of all sizes have much to learn from these people-driven small businesses.

Here I’m sharing a few examples of what small business owners who are part of the 10,000 Small Businesses community do to show gratitude for their employees at the end of the year. I hope these inspire you to innovate how you celebrate the people behind your company this holiday season.

Dr. Collette Portis, CEO and Fractional COO of RED Development Group in Dallas has a virtual team. She sends each employ a gift certificate to a place they put on their list of "places I've always wanted to go” (e.g. a restaurant, store) for the holidays. She collects this information during orientation so she can give gifts that have individual meaning to each team member.

@Michelle Rennette, CEO of It All Adds Up in Ohio picks a charity with her team to volunteer at, such as going to a nursing home and pampering the residents with manicures. In the past, her company has also supported a local struggling family who is otherwise unable to celebrate. The team bonds over the shared spirit of giving.

@Sunitha Chandy, Founder of the Artesian Collaborative in Illinois gives each member of her team a gift that is symbolic of their community and the direction they’re headed, such as candles to represent light and plants to represent growth. Says Sunitha, “It’s a way for us to reinforce our values, who we are, and who we are working to be.”

@Dave Sue, CEO of Small Business LIFT in Houston has a mostly remote team. Ahead of a virtual holiday gathering, he sends everyone some extra cash so each person can purchase and enjoy some holiday treats during the Zoom celebration. Small gestures like this can change the normal day to day tone and create a festive environment.

@Dr Jevonnah "Lady J" Ellison, CEO of The Entrepreneurial First Lady in Alabama hosts an elegant sit-down dinner for her team where the entire table is focused around one conversation. Each person answers the same question about how someone else's efforts led to the company meeting its annual goals. Everyone is fully engaged and one conversation ensures no one is left out. Says Dr. Ellison, “I've learned that when team members are celebrated publicly and specifically in front of other team members who they respect, it makes a world of difference for the unity and oneness of the team.”

There are so many more examples of how small businesses take care of their company culture despite their size. What do you and your team do to boost company culture during this season? Let us know in the comments below and wishing you all a wonderful holiday season.

#10KSB #HappyHolidays #SmallBusiness

Dr. Collette Portis, CEO

Making your business more sustainable, agile, and profitable.

11 个月

Sandi Mitchell I love this. Thank you for including us. Dave Sue, Sunitha Chandy Psy.D., and Michelle Rennette those are great ideas. Dr. Jevonnah Ellison I so love love love the idea of having the conversation around one question and exploring how the team collectively has contributed to successfully meeting the company goals. I will certainly be using this idea. Sandi Mitchell thank you so much for sharing this wonderful article.


