Business Owners - how are your numbers?
As a business owner, you will regularly receive an inbox of financial and management reports, so you have all of the numbers you need to run your business, don’t you?
You will probably go straight to the key business numbers, Revenue / Gross Margin / Operating Expenses / Profit / ROI / Cash Flow - the financial metrics that will determine your FY outcome.
?I am going to assume you’ve got this sorted.
?But revenues are down again, what questions are you asking and what numbers do you need?
o?? Is it a New Business problem?
- What % of leads have been positively qualified
- What % of qualified leads have converted into customers ?
Is it an Account Management issue? What do you measure?
??????? - Are the percentages going up or down?
NB. Don’t forget to check - What % of customers are contracted? I.e. how many could leave if they could and how exposed are you this FY to cancellations?
If you need answers and don’t have the numbers you need and also if you would like to know what your numbers should be, then please get in touch.
Here’s my number 07849 158808