Business Owner Needs

Successfully plan for a variety of situations that come with being a business owner. Successful businesses are built on a variety of assets: equipment, inventory, real estate, accounts receivable, cash, goodwill and key people. They're also built on smart choices and planning for a variety of situations.

Consider these choices for protecting you and your business:

·        Business Overhead Expense Policy: Help protect your business from an unexpected illness or accident with a disability income insurance policy.

Just as life insurance is purchased to cover the risk of death, it's just as important to purchase a Business Overhead Expense policy to cover the greater risk of disability. 

After all, the income you earn pays for all of your lifestyle needs and objectives - your home, cars, utility bills, loans and charge accounts, investments, vacations, entertainment, and your children's education. Without your income, your needs and objectives may become jeopardized.

Will you become disabled?

The chances that disability will strike you are higher than you'd probably expect. Roughly 3 in 10 Americans will suffer a disability lasting 3 months or longer before the age of 65. Nearly 1 in 5 Americans will be disabled for one year or more during their working years according to

Our Multi Series of disability income insurance products can help protect your business from an unexpected illness or accident with:

Business Overhead Expense

Available to businesses with fewer than six owners and fewer than 20 employees.

This coverage is designed to reimburse owners of small businesses not operated from the home for the normal and customary expenses required to maintain the business.

The insured must devote full-time service to the business and be personally liable for expenses. Only the insured's share of the business expenses are covered.

The insured must produce substantial income for the business such that his or her disability would cause great disruption or even failure of the business.

·        Non-cancellable and Guaranteed Renewable.

·        Benefit periods of 12, 18 and 24 months.

·        Waiting periods of 30, 60 and 90 days.

·        The maximum monthly benefit varies by occupational classification.

·        Optional Residual or Partial Disability Rider available.

·        Optional Salary Expense Rider helps cover the cost of hiring someone to work in the insured's capacity.

Whatever your financial needs or goals, James Insurance Group and representing Multi Insurance Carriers has the products and financial strength that can protect you and your business.

Looking for protection and guarantees?

You’ll get both with our Multi Insurance Carriers offering Business Overhead Expense Planning.

Are you ready?

Take a look at what you can afford by contacting James Insurance Group today. Then ask yourself ... can I really afford not to? Talk to our James Insurance Group representative to find out more about how our products can help you. Life changes. We'll be there.

Jimmy Constantinesco CFBS

James Insurance Group “SAFETY FIRST”

3806 ? Park Ave, 1st Floor, Wilmington, NC 28403

Office 910-538-0822, Fax# 910-765-0332

[email protected]

Also, if you know of anyone that would benefit with this information (we accept referrals), please have them contact me.

Proud Registered Member of BBB. National Ethics Association, National Association of Professional Agents!


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