The pandemic is ravaging our country, and devastating people, all over. There is scare in the air and grief all around. The media instead of being a balm on the wound are becoming like torturers of the mind and go on breaking news about the death tolls and related things which are increasing the scare and despair among the people.
So many of my friends and relatives have contacted Covid, and many have recovered and have become motivators to others in facing the infection. I went through a roller-coaster situation and was in a deep shock when one of my dear friend informed me that he lost his Dad and Mom within a week because of Covid. He had to go through despair, helplessness and anguish to get a bed in the hospital for his family members and after getting them admitted, he had to a see them die. After their death, the ordeal he went through to get a slot in the crematorium was unexplainable.
There are reports about the packages, to take the body from the hospital to crematorium, and bring the ashes to the family. In addition to this, there is yet another story revealing how the Remdesivir (medicine for viral infection) injections sold in the black market by the drug stores. Also the news about a company in Gujarat was caught manufacturing fake Remdesivir which contained only sugar and salt solution rather than Ramdesivir drug. Some people are involved in hoarding oxygen cylinders and selling them at a premium.
This pandemic situation is so grave and turbulent and yet we see people who are considering this as a business opportunity. Are the standards of ethics are overlooked or are we simply oblivious of ethics and values. When humanity is suffering are we only interested in asking a question “what is there for me, in it?”
Having said this I am pleased to see some volunteers are working day in and day out in helping people, may it be providing food, clothing and shelter to many who don’t have one. Some volunteers are cooking food and delivering to the homes of Covid positive people. Some Residential Welfare Associations helping people procure medicines, and essential items. I have seen Doctors, Nurses and Health Workers, working tirelessly. A Doctor in Kerala told her parents to postpone her wedding as she feels her patients need her more now. Police personnel are keeping a check on the erring public to maintain law and order. These people are seeing this pandemic as an opportunity to serve humanity and are sensitive to the needs of the suffering people.
This pandemic has come to teach us something for sure if we are open to learn.
We have a choice. We can take this pandemic as a business opportunity or an opportunity to serve humanity.