Business Model to Successful Digital Business? Amidst of Startupreneur Struggle to Survive in Emerging Digital Channels
COO Electropreneur Park, AIC STPI Next Initiatives, Innovation catalyst, Entrepreneurship Educator, Researcher, Global awardee, Mission LiFE Ambassador
The concepts of “Digitization or Digitalization or Digital transformation (DT)” have reached level where the real world supports it being a leading element to influence development and survival of modern organizations or traditional business. In any digitization or digitalization journey it is a good idea to think them through in advance and investing time in learning about modern platforms, advanced analytics, machine learning, and other technologies of digitization will only pay back.
Ethnographic study for more than a year to talk about, while the study will focus on retail start-ups taking conventional way works in a timeline of say 3 years of the journey through pits and falls. The time needs to consider all aspects of the digitization on business model, we are in process of selling products as a service, so our business models have evolved to categorise roles of Production operations, design and engineering, supply chain, customer service, and business operations all would fall under a tremendous digital transformation very soon than expected. Channels in the business model reflect means of communicating and exchanging value (products and services) with the clients.
These channels enable a business to set up a more exciting digital presence but the money spend, the time and expertise level is big question to set target for.
This paper will be eye opener to Startupreneurs (start-up entrepreneurs) and academia to understand how process improvements and business model resetting can increase productivity.
As we all would agree “Dominos” and “Pizza hut” do not sell??pizzas, the former sells convenience and later sells experience. Everyone sells product as a service thus even they sell same products they are not competitor. So business model comes to picture here, what is that I have as my USP which will drop all competition is the mantra. With the advent of digital world which parallel to real world in current times difficulty surges to struggle for existence the very survival of the fittest rules here aswell.
??Anderson, C. W., Bell, E., &Shirky, C. (2015).The "future?of?news" is mostly already here - citizen preference for digital?products?and?services?for news is clear, and advertisers have followed. It now falls to news organizations to adapt to those often-wrenching changes. The biggest hurdles to be jumped are lack?of?budget; management vision and buy-in; and ROI or business case for digital transformation not strategy, availability or focus of the business.
?Hagberg, J., Et al(2016) says our framework can serve as a reminder for managers that digitalization is more than e-commerce and that the real business potential of digitalization lies in leveraging it to revitalize existing business models. Thus, the framework can be used to understand and make sense of businesses’ development over time by framing and triggering analyses of such development both prospectively and retrospectively. For example, it can be used prospectively in the identification of future business opportunities or retrospectively as a framework for understanding how a business has developed in different areas due to digitalization.
?Like mobile aps, other digital virtual places, Artificial intelligence, or simple proper delivery of products every field from analysing when my customer will come next, to my factory or workshop delivering the customised order on time without flaws, everything counts.
?Gorbach, G. (2017) , describes that By?offering?smart, connected?products, manufacturers can position themselves to improve their customers' experiences with their?products. Digitization?enables manufacturers to improve the performance?of?their?service operations through remote connectivity and enables predictive maintenance; continuous uptime; rapid?service?response; and the opportunity to offer incremental, revenue-producing?products?and?services. Another trend is the migration from selling?products?to selling the value?of?the?product, or product as-a-service. Forexample: A compressor company sells compressed air as a?service, instead?of?compressors.
By selling outcomes or?product-as-a-service, a manufacturer or OEM retains ownership?of?the asset itself, and provides all required maintenance,?service?and repair to meet agreed-upon?service?level agreement (SLA) levels.
It's worth taking the time to examine the rest?of?the hurdles like cyber-security, data security and privacy and confidentiality etc, which can give fair ides of different kinds?of?issues that might arise.
?Lenka, S., Et al (2018). In reality, however, many manufacturing firms maintain both?product?and?service?orientations throughout their servitization journey. Servitizing firms experience organizational ambivalence during servitization because?of coexisting?product?and?service?orientations. These provide implications for explaining why firms struggle to implement servitization strategies due to co-existing?product?and?services?orientations.
For achieving servitization, the need of the hour will be improvement in process.
?Marie-Sophie Denner Et al. (2018). Process?improvement is?the?most value-adding activity in?the?business?process?management (BPM) lifecycle. Despite mature knowledge, many approaches have been criticized?to?lack guidance on?how?to?put?process?improvement into practice. Given?thevariety?of?emerging digital technologies, organizations not only face a?process?improvement black box, but also high uncertainty regarding digital technologies..?To?achieve this, action design research and situational method engineering were adopted. Two design cycles involving practitioners (i.e., managers and BPM experts) and end-users (i.e.,?process?owners and participants) were conducted..
?Kopera, S., Et al. (2018). ?Reports Empirical data as well as scientific reports confirm that start-ups require diverse, in-house competencies in order to achieve market success. However, while technology-related competencies are usually brought to new tech ventures by their founders, there is a significant deficiency?of?market- and management-related competencies, which is reflected in the statistics?of?common start-up failure reasons. Interdisciplinarity that is people from different fields fosters both creativity of each and every team member, and a team as a whole. It also promotes collectivity, because all involved individuals can see a value of working in a group. Teams with mixed knowledge and competences on board, covering not only technical, but also business and marketing-related fields, are more self-sufficient, which limits their environmental dependency, as well as improves cost structure. It also results in a better product design and its business model configuration. Additionally, exchange of diversified experiences protects against the risk in business and project layers. However, interdisciplinarity of knowledge and competencies alone is not enough. It should be complemented with the social competencies enabling effective communication and cooperation of individuals with different backgrounds.
Neubert, M. (2018). “Digitalization is the use of digital technologies to change a business model and provide new revenue and value-producing opportunities; it is the process of moving to a digital business.”??The author?says ;The main objections to selecting and using a software tool to support digitalization include lack of support in configuration and training; data protection; and unclear selection, processing, and evaluation of data (i.e., the “black-box” effect).?The study also found Lean global start-ups should select software to support digitalization based on transparency about benefits, data collection and analysis, the ability to integrate in the existing ERP systems, and an attractive price-performance ratio.
Basically a Start- up, to do well and convert into digital business that too an successful one needs multi -talented team, timely process improvement, proper choice of digital technologies, knowledge of the?digital platforms available, digital channels to choose, vision and money. Return on time invested (ROTI) rather than return on money invested (ROMI) is to be thought of as augmentation of productivity as a whole.
?The case of start-up which was started in 2015 by conventional retail as brick and mortar experts?with a market place model ?for a manpower service provider owner, the challenges and shortcomings they faced will throw an insight of how to take digitalization as one unique perspective to the business model not that digitization as a business model. Ethnographic approach where the study is done by totally immersing in the organization for more than one year nine months while contributing to the organization as participant observer?used for very complex and/or critical design problems in terms of their domain, audience(s), processes, goals and/or context(s) of use and business model.
Initially in 2015, the team developed a market place model which was outsourced to local vendor who could not deliver and some other acquaintance came to picture to do it, the whole model was taken from outside operational features of leading ecommerce platform and intricacies of some experts were considered who were either hired or taken consultancies from.
?It took one year till 2016, mean while a designer by studies and merchandiser by profession as claimed by the individual joined the team and set out for buying products to sell on the developed market place model as their in house brand in mask of getting higher margins.
The software was not ready they had started doing photoshoots the inherit expert on deigning will always do that and spend 20000 a day, which the related experts justified.
One important thing here as a new business the investor was only one and everyone else had just to work and take benefits no strings attached.
?In 2016 end the software did not work and designer cum merchandiser cum everyone else left alone the Investor and one other director who were struggling with 10 lakhs worth inventory not a single sold and big bunch of photographs nowhere useful to them as the designs are almost outdated.
The study started in 2017 January, where the Investor wanted to run the market place model and hired someone who was enthusiastic with proper qualifications and analytical skills. Then hired Interns to work for them as were stuck with the software which had cost them in lakhs and they did not even had any authorisation on it.
The market place software functionality
?Figure 1. Source: Author.
They then devised three phase plan for the existing business model for 5 years , with sales projection, budget and others business requisites.
?Figure 2.?Source: Author
Figure 3.?Source: Author
This was supposed to work the only reason was there was no IT expert in the team, so the organization hired B Tech graduates with some experience in the team and send two employees to sit at the outsourced vendor office and paid for it again cost. But the vendor was having limiting knowledge on the subject and there were lots of issues which emerged on deliverables as per discussion and real. The new CEO who joined was totally not happy with what was going on and then took a decision on the basis of extensive market study done by them in 8 months and started with their online store in September 2017 on rent from another market place provider.
?The online store gave them opportunity to learn to upload products in low cost without hefty expenses on models and started selling. In the mean while the market place software was released by service provider which was not very proper to be used immediately as the software had?
1.????Shipping issues
2.????No payment in dollars
3.????No return and exchanges could be made.
4.????No offers or discount could be managed by the organization
?There was requirement of an IT expert and the service provider pulled their hands off and took the money as fees charged. And they had taken a branded big server provider who was charging around?Rs.25000 per month. Now the investor was with semi functional E commerce market place model, a rented online store, and Inventory of Rs.10 lakhs.
?To eliminate “Black box effect” the approach was to go slow and evolve in digital business rather jump and break the business.
So now the team devised a new business model seeing their strength and survival instincts. And achieved new MILESTONES with tweak of innovation and doing what the team was best at.
???This was to rebuild a business model with innovative and new idea which helped them earn Start up India and Start up Odisha recognition.
???Sourced local vendors and mostly ladies to help them build business and open the whole world to them
???CEO made clear interaction with the cloud server provider and decreased costs toRs. 10000 per month
??Organized first fashion event to promote the women entrepreneurs and their designs and awarded them
??Fashion show and exhibitions which help them liquidate the inventory they had as promotional merchandise in sales and bulk, pulled some money out of it.
???They devised an aggregator business model and opened a physical store and running it for 3 months now.
??The cloud server they have shifted to low cost provider and will soon convert it into online store showcasing the products they have in physical store.
??They have filed for two copyright and two trademarks now.
??They have presence in all digital channels which include selective social media presence, email, customer database management,
?There is long list and clear future as they see all potential sources of selling products to achieve target and doing various workshops on designing and other fashion related events. They have MSME certificate now and are into manufacturing and social entrepreneurship by working for women designers and weaver and craftsman community.
This model talks about all facet of making a start- up successful by calculating all efforts in numbers and innovate every process till it works without hiccups and delivers a number then the process can be digitalised. Like taking customised tailoring orders, maintaining it in register, issuing slips, delivery date and once all of them understand the process it can be digitalised. Similarly due diligence of all documents in place like financial statements, legal compliance, GST compliance, Income tax compliance, Operations and vendor agreements, any government related compliance, documentations like appointment orders, work accords etc. then only the digital word comes. Selling product as a service like convenience, exclusivity, home delivery, customizations etc. has to be figured then it could be digitalised.?Product development is the key for the Start-up to exist rather anything else, so focus and required digital platforms should be implemented first here.
Proposed model for Start-up to exist and then become a digitalbusiness.
Figure 4. Source Author
The start-up was devised on the shoulder of same discipline so they were failing, within time they consulted and took multi-talented person in the team who was open to high level of understanding and keen observation skills which helped.
?It is rightly said that Start – up gets funding more if the leader is too good than the idea. Today the business not only needs the Inter disciplinary approach also needs to work on social development to flourish, if we are not contributing to the society the business will fail immensely.
Be innovative does not always means to patent , innovative means to take up what is needed and leave what is beyond your capacity till you are capable.
Choosing the right technology in right time as per the demand of business model and budget works the best for any start-up. The strength of any Start-up is knowledge of the business and idea as they have created it , so they have to go ahead and take the first mover advantage rather than playing in the amidst the technology add-ons. Productivity is a better tool of measurement rather than the production quantity.
?Thus It’s not digitalization that builds a business it’s the business model and its efficiency. Digitalization is just a tool to enhance the operational effectiveness which is very difficult to measure.
Running on numbers in mind and copies would be better if the business model does not have Experts in that field, or else an Investor having big budget and trust on the founders. Importance of saving from legal or another issue is to have updated Due Diligence ready and up-to-date.
An ethnographic study allows understanding the issue, situation and solutions and at times influencing it in the improvement core. Allowing the study shows how the Start-up is open to assessment and continuous and confidence in building a brand of trust and acceptance. Enabling the government schemes and research on it is the next focus area for development rather build and digital innovation it is because of past experience which may be scope for pondering or may be study closely.
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