The business model of the "Like"? button.

The business model of the "Like" button.

*Someone likes your post!*

A notification pops up and suddenly there's a smile on your face.?

We humans are emotionally driven beings, we are constantly looking for other's affirmation and what others will think of us. It was an in-built characteristic, we always try to be the smartest, the prettiest and keep pushing ourselves to be the best. It starts very early, first we try to impress our parents by walking all by ourselves, then by riding the bicycle for the first time, then we try to impress our classmates, our teachers by scoring good or drawing a portrait and by singing and dancing, then we try to impress the girl we love or the boy we like. Each time we see a smile on others face or see them appreciating us, it pushes us to do more, achieve more, impress more people.

The problem with this game is that it never ends! Once you fall in love with number and starts calculating them, there's no end to it. People from Silicon Valley, those tech giants and the leaders of social media understood the game way back and that's where they introduced the "Like" button.

Whenever we share any of our life events, our dog's photo or anything on social media, we desperately need other's opinion on it and obviously we're expecting it to be in our favor. When people start engaging with our posts on social media, it makes us happy and whenever this number increases, your brain initiates a huge increase of dopamine - the hormones for happiness and you start feeling better and better.?

Consider all social media apps like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter & LinkedIn without the like, comment and share button, where users can only post but will not be able to engage on what is there on the platform. I bet you that you'll not be spending more than 10 minutes on those platforms. We are in love with numbers and we want them to increase, either it be your connection list, engagements, your exam score or the best example - MONEY.

The social media giants understood the concept and started quantifying each and everything that is available on the platform - your number of posts, number of followers, number of connections, number of likes, number of impressions, number of accounts reached, number of people who visited your profile, number of engagements, number of views, etc. everything on these platforms have a number associated with them.

What's the purpose of all this?

The invention of the Like button opened a whole new stream of business for these tech giants, the innovation in technology and the way these platforms are getting smarter and smarter every day is a threat to all. The artificial intelligence that we talk about now is embedded deeply into these platforms to mature the algorithm to collect as much data as they can and the worst part about it is that it can grow rapidly all by own, it can collect information about you without you knowing about it and use it in every way possible for their own good, if you think that it is all limited to advertisement, you're badly mistaken. Advertisement is just a part of it, the way these algorithms are maturing themselves, they have the power to take over anyone's life, control them according to others without thinking about the rights and the wrongs associated with it. The only limitation about artificial intelligence is that it can never develop emotions, it cannot decide the right or wrong for a human and the way the artificial intelligence in these platforms are growing, they are tracking every tiny thing about our behavior and collecting thousands of data points related to a particular human. These data points are then fed to various brands or organizations that want you to use their products or services or worst case to those who want to influence your decision according to their will.

These platforms are tracking the data points about the things that you LIKE, the pictures that you share, the posts that you engage with, they even track the amount of time you spend on a post, the links you clicked, how much time you spend in that website, your actions throughout daily feed, your dislikes and multiple such things in short one can say that these platforms track your tiniest details from the moment you turn on the smart phone. After collecting these data points the algorithm develops your digital image that is an exact copy of your brain into their system, the more you engage with these platforms, the more data you are feeding these algorithms and the better virtual copy they are creating, and that’s exactly what they want to build with the social media – a Virtual Image of yours that can be controlled or influenced by them.

How is it affecting us?

Back in history, slavery was one of the major problems and an emblem of power, now that we are no longer living in the past and slavery is considered to be a heinous crime, these powerful giants have figured out other ways to do it and social media if not same then doing the same thing. The government collects taxes from us on the money we make, but currently there are no regulations to the data collection or no taxes on the data that these platforms are collecting without you knowing about it.

The list of things that these platforms are capable of doing is endless. But to start with, the most common thing that is heavily affected is our choice. Social media has data that represents your choices and decisions, they know what to show you, how to show you and when to show you, to influence your choice. Moreover, these so called social media influencers are playing a major role in this business, brands have realized the potential of influencer marketing and they are paying loads of money to these influencers to promote their products and services, almost everything that you see on social media is a part of paid ad campaign, from fake reviews to paid articles or awards, everything is apart of campaign.

Back in the day when we wanted to advertise our brand by flyers or putting an ad in newspapers or magazines, we only knew about the reach of these mediums but now with the social media platforms we have the results related to any advertisement campaign. We can see how many people have watched our ads, how many of them reacted or engaged with them, how many have ignored them, how much time did the average user spend on our advertisement and much more.

We can even target specific people with their specific interests and the list of these parameters is a long one, now we can target specific age groups, people with specific income, people with a luxury car, a villa, a job at a particular firm, people who have become new parents, or married recently, etc. With these parameters we can refine our campaigns so that they can only target those people who can be easily manipulated and it can influence them to click on it and to finally do a transaction.

Advertisements are the most common thing on these platforms, the other things are much worse as they are affecting our lives in multiple other ways that we could never imagine. Mental health issues and depression are a part of life now and the majority of this is only coming from social media. We compare ourselves and our lifestyles with other people in our network and there is a constant race to be better and better, people are not what they present on social media. Everyone likes to show something better than the other, this constant competition of being the better, the prettier, the smarter, and the richer pushes us to do certain things that are way beyond imagination and the outcome of those things are horrifying in some cases and sometimes it costs the life.

Well, The things doesn’t end here, powerful people with propaganda and even politicians from multiple countries are using social media as a tool to brainwash people using it with their social media campaigns. For the last decade, politicians have been using data from Facebook to influence people and to change their minds about their vote or to build a specific image about a specific person. People are using these platforms to join cults, to fulfil their propaganda, to raise protests and to ambush.

What is the end result of all this - a civil war or maybe even worse than that, nobody knows where this game is going to end or if it has any end to it but one thing is sure, the more we are putting ourselves on these platforms, we are feeding their algorithms with more and more data to influence us and to make choices for us. It makes me wonder if the developers really knew about the things they were building or the consequences of it, if not then but I’m sure they know what they are doing now and that’s where we need to ask, are these social media platforms really social.


