Dibya Jyoti Gadpal
The Edge talk | BOQ | BBS | BOM | QS & RA | Construction Management | AutoCAD | MBA -RM '24 KIIT | C.E, GCEK
Business model is a process by which any business deliver values to the customer, customer pay for that value, from the payment business made the profit.
Business model is a part of business plan.
It is the central part of business plan.
Business model canvas is a tool which consists of 9 building blocks:
1.Key Activities
2.Key Partners
3.Cost Structure
4.Key Resources
5.Value Proposition
6.Customer Relationship
7.Customer Segment
9.Revenew Streams
1.Key Activities:
·??????Innovative product development
·??????Marketing and promotional activities
·??????R&D activities
·??????CSR activities
2.Key Partners:
3.Cost Structure:
·??????Cost of consumption of materials
·??????Employee benefit expenses
·??????Stock in trade purchase
·??????Finance cost
·??????Depreciation cost
·??????Other expenses
4.Key Resources
·??????Tangiable resources: Financial, Organizational,Intellectual,Physical
·??????Intangible resources: Human resources, skills & knowledge, ITC brand distribution network
5.Value Proposition
·??????All facilities under one roof
·??????FMCG business value proposition
·??????Agribusiness value proposition
·??????Hotel business value proposition
·??????Paper & packaging value proposition
·??????Paperboards business value proposition
·??????IT segment value proposition
6.Customer Relationship
·??????Communication Campaign
·??????Customer Safety
7.Customer Segment
·??????B2B customer
·??????All age group customer i.e; 5-60 yrs old
·??????Rural, Semi-urban, urban class
·??????Distribution network
·??????ITC apps
9.Revenew Streams
·??????Revenue from operations:
·??????FMCG business
·??????Hotel business
·??????Paperboards business
·??????Paper & packaging business
1.Key Activities:
·??????Platform (App) Development & Enhancement
·??????Marketing & Customer Acquisition
·??????Sales promotion to acquire new customers
·??????Hiring Driver
·??????Customer Support
·??????Managing Driver Payout
·??????Communication with the driver, customer, customers & partners
2.Key Partners:
·??????Payment Processors
·??????Map API Providers
3.Cost Structure:
·??????Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)
·??????Legal & settlement costs
·??????Insurance Costs
·??????Research & Development
4.Key Resources
·??????Network (Driver & Riders)
·??????Digital Platform (Apps)
·??????Skilled Drivers
·??????Technology Talent
·??????Creating Brand Image
·??????Improving its Algorithms & Data Analysis
5.Value Proposition
For the Drivers:
·??????Easy to get started
·??????Opportunity to earn
·??????Easy to access more passangers
·??????Freedom to choose working hours
For Ridres:
·??????Safety & Security
·??????Lower prices than normal taxi services
·??????Convenient working
·??????Easier Transaction
·??????Cashless Ride
·??????ETA & map tracking cab
6.Customer Relationship
·??????Social media
·??????Customer support
·??????Review, Rating & Feedback System
7.Customer Segment
·??????People who don’t own cars
·??????People who can’t drive a car
·??????People who don’t want to driver themselves to functions
·??????People who like to travel in style & luxury
·??????People who are looking for a cost-effective transport option
·??????People who own a car & looking for extra income
·??????People who love to drive
·??????People looking for a flexible work environment
·??????Mobile app for Android & ios
·??????Word of mouth
·??????Social media
·??????Voucher Digital Ads, Paid Ads
·??????Media Coverage
10.Revenew Streams
·??????Ride transaction fees
·??????Surge price
·??????License fees
·??????Alternative streams:
·??????UberEATS, UberCARGO,UberBOAT, UberAIR,UberMONEY