Business Mindset in Aurora Project
Cinnamon AI
Cinnamon AI provides an AI platform for enterprises to utilize unstructured data.
Client target is one of the most important aspects in approaching Business Mindset for the Aurora project. The sales team is the one who stands between client and dev team but they do not have deep knowledge about AI techniques while the technical members know just a little about business. This is a big gap that prevents AI guys from easily clarifying the client target. Closing the gap among different minds has never been easy.
Firstly, the consultation for clients must always clarify their goals and needs. It is necessary to consider whether the company technology can handle the demand and the achieved percentage of their expectations. By defining these criteria, we will have a direction and will be successful in providing reasonable solutions.?Secondly, the Aurora project is not always applied to a variety of clients. There are too many different requirements and purposes for each specific type of client which is a significant challenge for the team. For example, even the clients do not have a clear overview of how essential the terms of the agreements are in the contract problems. When two parties do not understand each other's intentions, the results are unpredictable.?
Thus, how could we solve these problems? After dozens of hours of discussions and headaches with complicated challenges, the Aurora platform proved to be the perfect solution. It is based on information extraction to develop a product similar to flax, allowing junior members to train and deploy the whole process. It truly is the tremendous output in the Aurora project in terms of advanced solutions.
To accomplish this, AI team collaborated with Sales team and applied Business Mindset as the key to solving the two challenging problems described above. The envision of AI procedures and AI application to the in/out platform are not easy for non-tech people. So as clarified by the Sales team, who already actually understands what we do specifically, accomplished the various stakeholders' insight of each other's. As a result, it could be said that the combination of Sales team and AI team have been a significant success.