Business Management Investment Trade and Credit Tactics that Trump Tax and Make Fortunes

Business Management Investment Trade and Credit Tactics that Trump Tax and Make Fortunes

Masters of the Game like George Soros and President-Elect Donald Trump have used tax, credit and legally accepted business practices to make billions. If you are less ambitious you could still use these same techniques to make millions.

George Soros has been able to borrow billions from the IRS interest free by simply deferring tax and then with prowess invest the money which he kept away from the tax coffers for years to parlay up his billionaire fortune. It is unlikely that he will ultimately pay the accrued tax as with legal devices he may be able to roll the deferred tax indefinitely in to the future.

Donald Trump made an art form of business bankruptcies - leaving creditors, suppliers and workers dry. In the process the billions of borrowed funds never saw the light of day again - enabling the business tycoon to not only never repay the loans taken out by his controlled corporations but also to write off a billion dollars of tax.

 Warren Buffet has been critical of the fact that Trump's public company never made a profit over a 10 year period and that Trump defiantly met creditors head on, avoiding all personal liability for debts unpaid. The tax office is in a quandary as to how to assess Trump's tax returns over the years - with little likelihood of ever receiving a dime from the Trump business empire.

There is no need for you to take business and investment practices to that extreme in order to significantly improve your financial position. Many shrewd business owners regularly defer tax and also payments to suppliers - taking advantage of trade credit opportunities. In the eagerness to get orders suppliers often grant businesses extended credit periods - starting usually at 90 days and then blowing out to 180 days and longer before insisting on payment.

The purchasing businesses have the revenue from on-sale of products like a free credit line and can then use that money to invest or expand their business. Ultimately the call comes for them to pay for the goods and services received, which at times results in a negotiation to reduce the debts - and thus the business owner avoids some of the outstanding bill permanently. These tactics improve profitability as well as cash flow of the business. Two ingredients which are significant in being able to borrow funds for investing with the loan interest effectively covered by the free credit facility provided by suppliers.

Tax can be managed in a similar fashion - for most people more conservatively like Warren Buffet, who prefers to pay gains tax rates rather than taking tax avoidance to the extreme. The new kid on the block who controls Facebook quickly developed tax avoidance skills which leave Buffet in the shade.

Of course nothing will ever happen to improve your own financial position to make you millions of dollars or save tax if you do nothing. It is necessary for you to take action. Which does not mean to just engage a common garden variety accountant who may be able to reduce your tax bill by a few bucks. You need to get serious and take the bull by the horns in order to achieve massive benefit.

The money you do not immediately pay out to the taxman and creditors is yours to invest productively - compounding over time to grow the sum of money in to a sizable amount, which later on can be used to make payments on your tax and to extinguish debts.

These are just some of the tactics every business owner can start using IMMEDIATELY - all it takes it to get me on-board as a part-time CFO or business manager.

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