In Business Life Cycle: Scared money don't make money.

In Business Life Cycle: Scared money don't make money.

Introduction and Growth Phases:

Progression of a business moves in phases over-time assigned into four stages:

  1. Introduction.?
  2. Growth.
  3. Maturity.?
  4. Rebirth/Decline.

According to a report by research firm "Genome", 90% of startups fail primarily because of self destruction due to their founders’ bad choices, not because of bad luck or market conditions beyond their control, and that is enough reason to understand if a business succeeded to pass the introduction phase, they shall embrace their best practices to keep a proper position at the growth phase which can be named "Organization's sense of identity", yet, for how long could an organization sustain its position at the growth level where everything thought to be set in stone ?, the answer to such question often depends on the direct and indirect effect of the surrounding environment, the competition dynamic and the state of the market, while resting over definite;

  • Business statement.
  • Management structure.
  • Sales plan.
  • Business financial analysis.

Transition towards Maturity: (where ERRBODY is losing their marbles)

General speaking, any organization sustained the growth phase might break through to the maturity phase where their expansion becomes inevitable raising a bar of understanding "If we don't trust the market, the worst has already happened".

This transition stage is described as the disintegration of organization's sense of identity in which the company slowly becoming more and more detached from its central identity where hard work becomes irrelevant at this point to tear down the market's unhealthy competition resulting in depletion of the organization resources over-time in a self sabotage mode, going forward, meeting a threshold where sustaining the same implemented strategy? much attached to its central identity in such fierce competition, will eventually lead to leaving the market, losing years of successive investing, adding to that, holding to the same old position becomes quite unaffordable to be recalled.

Often, such competition piles up to pave the road unlocking the potential of the fittest, while evolving to be more resourceful more responsive to change becomes mandatory to penetrate the maturity phase, and there, the organization's sense of identity drastically change birthing a new environmental unified and detached identity willing to prove its right to compete through continuous improvement. At the end of the day, embracing un-centralized strategy becomes critical not just fashionable. Such transition can be spotted in a simple comparison between Family and Non-Family businesses as shown here-under;

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Articulating the steps of transition into:

  1. Understanding the internal impact behind the organization's position.
  2. Letting go of the need to define that position.
  3. Letting go of the competitors' projections.
  4. Becoming resourceful.

Maturity Phase:

Eventually, the organization will get back online dependable and consistent, with a detached new definition by finding and solving the right problems instead of buying the best practices and optimizing it, where everybody involved will get hoovered to engage in continuous accelerating improvement.

Quoting from Adyashanti "Maturity is destructive process. it has nothing to do with becoming better. its seeing through the fa?ade of pretense. its the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true".


