Business lesson in resilience from Kilimanjaro

Business lesson in resilience from Kilimanjaro

Business can feel hard, just like it was when I climbed Kilimanjaro in 2015, but each of these experiences can teach us valuable lessons in fortitude and personal growth.

In this week’s blog we’ll be exploring why it’s so important to look back on your journey and celebrate your achievements. How to recognise when you’re going through a growth edge and embracing change. Lastly, what to do to motivate yourself towards your goals and surpass your fears.

Ready to dive in?

Looking back to move forward

There’s no denying that entrepreneurship is hard work, but worth it and it’s the same with any challenge, including climbing Kilimanjaro. You are going to hit challenges and have moments where you feel demotivated and maybe even feel like you’re giving up. That’s why it’s important to look back on how far you’ve come. When you focus your attention on this you will realise just how far you’ve come and what you’ve achieved.

Take a moment to look back on how far you've come and celebrate all that you have achieved

Looking back on your achievements is just as important as looking forward and connecting with the goals you want to achieve in your business. But you have to balance the two. It’s no good just focusing on what you’ve achieved if you’ve not also got clarity on your vision and your goals. Likewise if you’re only looking forward and not reflecting and celebrating your past achievements, it’s going to be hard to stay motivated.

Embracing your growth edge

We all have something called a ‘growth edge’. A growth edge is a temporary plateau where you go to grow and improve. It’s the mental boundary between what is known and is unknown. Between the familiar and the unfamiliar. Between the comfortable and the uncomfortable. It’s the thing that challenges you for that final push as you hit your breakthrough and achieve your goal.

Mount Kilimanjaro summit point

Just like I did with Kilimanjaro. The last part of the climb was the hardest but it also helped me grow the most. Once I got through that and achieved my goal, I felt unstoppable and it gave me the strength and courage to achieve my next goal. It’s the same in business. Often you are closer than you think and it’s so easy to go back as you tell yourself you haven’t got what it takes. Not realising you're so much closer than you think. One more final push and you’re there!

Staying motivated

That’s why it’s so important to look back on your journey. To stop and pause like I did when I got to Stella point, just 45 minutes away from the summit. When I turned around and saw the sun rising over this beautiful African mountain, the path I’d climbed was laid out in front of me. It gave me such a fresh perspective and one that showed me how much I had achieved and how capable I was.

Don't give up. You are closer than you think!

It motivated me to keep going towards my goal. When you do the same in your business, by looking back at your achievements, it will do the same for you. It will motivate you to keep going. Even if it feels uncomfortable as you step into the unknown. Because if you’ve come this far you can keep going. Keep believing in yourself and trusting that you can break through any invisible walls that may be holding you back from achieving your goals and connecting with your future vision.

Ready to call in the vision for your business?

To support you with your growth edge I’ve created an Ideal Client Attraction Meditation for you to help connect with your intuition and call your vision and goals into reality. It’s more than a meditation, it’s an energetic activation that connects you with the clarity, confidence, and success that already exists within you.

To stay connected you can follow me on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn for more empowering content.


Suzie Flynn BSc, Dip, Prac的更多文章

