As a Business Leader - Where Would You Rank Your Firm on Innovation?
Rich Kohler
We help Aerospace & Defense CEOs accelerate or recapture growth momentum - achieve faster, more predictable & sustainable, profitable growth | My clients have grown profit & sales 10-15%/yr+ | A&D Growth Expert | CEO
In your business - where do the innovative?new ideas come from?
Is it from you? Your Marketing & Sales Team? The Engineering Group?
If the answer is not, “All the above - and more,” you could be leaving opportunities – and money - on the table.
Incremental Innovation
Innovation is a strong growth driver that gets a good deal of attention.?
However, innovation typically is looked at too narrowly – often around new?products and services. As a result, it misses all sorts of possibilities for?growth.?
As the Business Leader, you need to make people realize that innovation is?not just for the uber brilliant engineer who emerges from the lab with?innovations that change the world. And innovation should be described as?incremental improvement in everyone’s job.?
Wile BIG innovation is important, all sorts of growth exist, if you believe?incremental improvements are innovation, too.
A Stumbling Block and Blind Spot
One of the biggest hurdles companies face - is that when they ask the Team to think differently, their ideas are often rooted in what they already know, or what they have experienced.
Many companies also don’t have a specific process for generating new?ideas.
The issue is that without a system or framework to innovate, you fall back on the rules of the past - and hope they’ll work again.
Outthinking the Competition
In the current environment, you can’t afford to rely on strategies from the past, you must be innovating …and “outthinking your competition”.
You need to push the envelope on what is possible?inside your company – bringing innovation to your products, services, promotion, pricing, process,?people, etc.?
Accelerating your company’s growth is about more than just outspending and outmuscling your competition.
It’s about outthinking them.
By outthinking them, you can outperform the market?and outpace your competitors.
Sounds like a good idea...
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Business not growing the way you want?
As strategists, focused on long-term sustainable growth from a CEO perspective – we help you strategically hone your strategy which drives your Marketing, Sales, Engineering, Operations, Human Resources – every element of your business.
If you're a bit frustrated with slowing or stalled growth – let’s have a short call to see if we can help. Contact me at 480-766-1772 or [email protected] .
Rich Kohler is a Business Growth Expert. His company, Kohler Consulting Group specializes in helping CEOs and Marketing Executives of Mid-Market Aerospace & Defense, Hi-Tech firms who want to accelerate or recapture growth momentum, build a clear roadmap to achieve faster, more predictable and sustainable, profitable growth.
A former Fortune 500 Executive, he has helped BAE SYSTEMS, Eaton, GE Aviation, Smiths PLC, Transdigm address stalled growth, flat-lined revenues, declining profit margins; take a step back to more clearly & confidently navigate complex and rapidly changing markets, intensifying competition - increase clarity and control to reduce the uncertainty and risk around their strategy.
We apply a comprehensive CEO perspective to attack growth on multiple fronts, utilize proprietary & globally proven systems, methodology and combine consulting, coaching, and training to produce significant near-term results. We focus first on enhancing profitability, then pursue growth.? We also apply a unique approach - designing customized strategies “Built from Within” that are right for your business - fully leverage your unique organization capabilities…so you can accelerate profitability and sales growth in any economy.
Serious about accelerating your growth - and moving to that next level of success? ?Contact Rich at: [email protected].
Inventor of the Magnecopter? (Patent Pending)
2 个月Here is some aerospace innovation for your consideration: