Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence


?By Jagadeep Kumar K

What is? business intelligence?

Business intelligence (BI) is a set of strategies and technologies for analyzing business information and transforming it into actionable insights that inform strategic and tactical business decisions.


What does a business intelligence role do?

Breaking down key business data: A business intelligence analyst might gather, clean, and analyze data like revenue, sales, market information, or customer engagement metrics of a business.


How does Amazon use business intelligence?

Amazon Quick Sight powers data-driven organizations with unified business intelligence (BI) at hyper scale. With Quick Sight, all users can meet varying analytic needs from the same source of truth through modern interactive dashboards, paginated reports, natural language queries and embedded analytics.


What are the four concepts of business intelligence?

1.??? data collection,

2.??? analysis,

3.??? visualization, and

4.??? decision-making.

Data collection involves gathering relevant information from various sources. Analysis employs tools and techniques to derive insights and trends from the collected data.


What is the benefit of business intelligence?

By analyzing data and generating reports, BI enables organizations to optimize processes, enhance productivity, and increase overall performance. It helps identify opportunities for cost reduction, revenue growth, and competitive advantages.


5 stages of business intelligence

1.??? Data Sourcing,

2.??? Data Analysis,

3.??? Situation Awareness,

4.??? Risk Assessment, and

5.??? Decision Support.


?BI tool features you never knew you needed

1.??? Data visualization.

2.??? Data discovery.

3.??? Data mining.

4.??? Ad-hoc reporting.

5.??? Data warehousing.

6.??? Predictive analytics.

7.??? Real-time data.

8.??? Collaboration.



Business intelligence helps businesses make smart choices, grow, and run more smoothly in a tough market. By using data to understand things better, companies can find new chances, make customers happier, and keep doing well over time.



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