Business INCubator Unit 2 Reflection
Marcus Hwang
Student at Naperville North High School. Student in Business Incubator. Aspiring entrepreneur.
The unit 2 shareback for Stall Secure went Excellent.?
Within the last few weeks, Stall Secure went to the Dupage County Technical Institute to pitch at an entrepreneur fest to put us and our product more on the map.? We put up a well organized vendor in which people could see presentations, prototypes, and get to be able to talk to us in person about our work.
We did fantastic as a team earning fantastic feedback from peers as well as excellent information and advice to take home to make our product better.
Through our second shareback we were able to disclose the perfect people of who to target our product to.?
In the past few weeks, the Stall Secure team interacted with many people to see who would buy our product and what to do to fix it. Through surveys we made we found out that Women ages 23-60 were the people most likely to purchase our product. This was because this demographic of people we talked with were the ones who were in public the most using public restrooms. But the reason why it’s targeted more to women than men is because no matter what, women have to use stalls.
Our main competition when it comes to our product is a company by the name of Sentry Supply. They are our market leader since we have seen multiple websites used to sell their product showing that they are popular. But we differentiate our product from them due to the portable aspect of our product as well as two hooks given to hang a jacket and bag so no one has to put their nice expensive things on a dirty public bathroom floor.
Soon after our research we were in contact with manufacturers in China and just earlier this week, materials from the manufacturing company we were in contact with arrived and more prototypes are currently in the works. We collected information from feedback we got with our first prototype we made to make our item better and more practical to ideally be held in a wallet.
With all the good feedback, we as a group are continuously finding ways for good pricing and reducing the size of our object in order to make our product more appealing to the audience so people want to use our product.??
We as a team are very excited for the future and appreciate all the time people have been giving us from mentor matches to Dupage.