Business Ideas and Investment Opportunities in Cold Storage Plant. Scope in Refrigerated Storage and Warehousing Industry.
Perishable food items and other perishables are cooled, frozen, and preserved in this installation. A large cold-storage facility with truck and railroad platforms, compressor and condenser rooms for a refrigerating system, a cooling tower, reservoirs and a pumping station for a circulating water source, administration and residential buildings, and other buildings and facilities make up an independent company. A cold storage facility is a commercial facility that stores perishable goods such as fruits, vegetables, meat, and fish for longer periods of time under regulated conditions.
Cold storages can be divided into three groups based on their storage conditions:
I)????????????Temporary or short-term storage
II)??????????Frozen storage, and
III)?????????Long-term storage
The commodity is cooled and held at a temperature that is slightly above the freezing point for both short and long term storage. The storage temperature varies depending on the commodity, but it generally ranges from - 2°C to 16°C. Short-term or temporary storage is generally associated with retail establishments like supermarkets, where rapid product turnover is expected. The storage period can range from 1 to 15 days, depending on the product. Large-scale cold storage facilities are also associated with long-term storage. The amount of time a product is stored in cold storage is determined by the type of product and its condition when it is brought in. For sensitive products like ripe tomatoes, this period may be as short as 7 to 10 days, or as long as 6 to 8 months for products like onions and potatoes. Many food items can be frozen and preserved for much longer periods of time, often as long as a few years. Certain fresh items, such as tomatoes, cannot be frozen for long periods of time. Frozen foods are normally stored at temperatures ranging from –23°C to –12°C, with –18°C being the most common storage temperature.
Benefits of Cold Storage:?
These units provide a range of advantages, and they can be used for both personal and business purposes.
Temperature Control: The temperature in the cold room is fully adjustable, and it is controlled and maintained to prevent products from rotting or dehumidifying. A temperature controller and monitoring system are mounted in cold storage.
Saving Money on Cooling Costs: A lot of money is spent on the dominant of temperature, but if you install cold storage panels, you can reduce all of those costs. Customizability is one of the most basic features of cold storage tables.
Freeing up Space: They're also fantastic at eliminating waste and extending the time it takes to market these foods. Cold storage also aids in the preservation of items. Refrigeration is used to operate cold storages.
When your company begins to expand, you'll need a cold storage facility. A larger company has more advantages, such as a larger customer base. Warehouse storage should be viewed as a tool that will assist you in continuing to develop and expand your business. Medicines, chemicals, and film are among the temperature-sensitive products that require cold storage. A reefer is a more cost-effective choice than constructing a cold storage facility from the ground up.
Operational Method?
There are two common refrigerants on the market right now. The first is Freon, and the second is Ammonia. Compressors for ammonia and Freon are made in the United States. Ammonia refrigerant is less costly, more readily available, and has a high latent heat of evaporation, but it has some drawbacks, such as being extremely toxic. When combined with oil that contains a high percentage of fuel, it creates an explosive mixture. Insulation must be used to distinguish rooms with varying temperatures, and moisture must be avoided. Whenever practicable, one layer of vapor-proof foam glass should be used against the exterior wall.
The following considerations should be made when installing the insulation:
·????????The surface to be insulated must be fully moisture proof and fairly even, with no lumps or whole plaster on the walls. Before the surface is insulated, the ceiling must be cured.
·????????Take care to ensure that moisture from the outside does not reach the wall, ceiling, or floor.
·????????Both sides of the partition wall between two chambers should be insulated.
Related book:- The Complete Book on Cold Storage, Cold Chain & Warehouse (with Controlled Atmosphere Storage & Rural Godowns) 4th Edition
Fruits and vegetables that will be stored in the refrigerator are sorted and the poor ones are discarded. The sorted material is stored in cold storage chambers, preferably in wooden/plastic carton boxes. Depending on the product held in the shop, the temperature and humidity must be controlled. The only commonly used approach for bulk handling of perishables between manufacturing and marketing processing is cold storage. It is one of the methods for keeping perishable goods fresh and wholesome for longer periods of time by monitoring temperature and humidity within the storage system.
Marketing Outlook
Food and perishable products are stored in cold storage for cooling and freezing. These are used in buildings and grocery stores to keep foods fresh for longer periods of time and prevent them from spoiling. This company offers a range of services for manufacturing, packaging, and shipping goods in refrigerated couriers to any location. This type of storage is used in public, private, and semi-private wars. The global cold storage market was worth USD 94.02 billion in 2018 and is expected to develop at a CAGR of 12.2 percent over the next five years.
The strict regulations regulating the manufacture and delivery of temperature-sensitive goods have benefited the industry significantly. Because of the rising integrated retail sectors in emerging economies, the industry is primed for unprecedented growth over the forecast period. An increasing need for temperature regulation to avoid possible health hazards is one of the major drivers of the cold storage industry. Increased government funding for infrastructure construction to minimize post-harvest and processed food waste is generating opportunities for the cold storage sector to expand over the forecast period. The market is likely to highlight untapped market opportunities as well as rising user awareness.
In India, the overall cold storage market is projected to expand at a CAGR of 15% over the next five years. In India, the chilled transportation industry, which is the largest contributor to the cold storage market, is expected to rise at a CAGR of 17% over the next five years. India's cold storage market for meat and fish has the highest revenue share of the entire cold storage market. The rise of foreign trade as a result of trade liberalization has fueled the global cold storage industry. Trade liberalization, advances in transportation infrastructure and communication technology, and the rise of multinational corporations in the food retail sector have all led to increased globalization. It has boosted international trade in perishable foods like dairy and frozen desserts, fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, and seafood, as well as bakery and confectionery products.
Profile- Project Reports & Profiles
Government Subsidies and Schemes:
Via various tax exemptions and subsidies, the government has established a range of schemes to promote cold storage and warehousing in India. The Indian government has taken a number of steps to improve and develop the country's cold storage and warehousing industry. This has been accomplished through the introduction of a number of carefully crafted schemes aimed at assisting this industry with all of the requirements necessary for its continued growth, ease of doing business, attracting foreign investors, and thereby expanding its market share in the economy. Several tax breaks and incentives have been given to ensure that this sector expands at the same pace as the rest of the economy. The National Horticulture Board (NHB), National Horticulture Mission (NHM), Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA), and Ministry of Food Processing Industry are among the organizations that have earned exemptions and benefits (MoFPI), The Mission for Integrated Growth of Horticulture (MIDH) works alongside the Department of Agriculture and Cooperation to expand and improve the cold storage industry in India with their full and complete cooperation. Thus, the primary goal of these cold storage schemes is to provide an integrated cold chain and preservation infrastructure facility free of any breaks from the farm gate to the final user.
Related Videos:- Cold storage, Cold Chain, Controlled Atmosphere Storage, Refrigerated Warehousing, Warehouse & Rural Godowns, Temperature Controlled Supply Chain
Ministry of Food Processing Industry (MoFPI): This scheme offers financial assistance in the form of grant-in-aid to industry players for technical civil works and all qualifying plant and machinery up to a limit of Rs. 10 crore per project.
Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH): Multi-chamber cold storage units with energy-efficient technology, as well as provisions for thermal insulation, humidity control, advanced cooling systems, automation, and other features, are eligible for any assistance needed for the establishment of new cold storage infrastructures. According to the ministry's guidelines, which contains requirements and standards. At the same time, under the NHM or Horticulture Mission for the North-Eastern States and the Himalayan States (HMNEH) sub-schemes, cold storages consisting of long-term storage and distribution hubs with a capacity of up to 5000 MT have been provided for and promoted.
National Horticulture Board (NHB): Any establishment of cold storage units with a capacity of more than 5000 MT but less than 10000 MT, as well as their modernization processes, are eligible to receive capital investment subsidies under the NHB scheme for the development, extension, and modernization of their cold storage for horticulture products. This is a sub-scheme of the MIDH as well. Furthermore, this is an open-ended credit-linked scheme with a scale of assistance of 40% of the total project capital cost but restricted to Rs. 30 lakhs per project in General Areas, and 50% limited to Rs 37.50 lakhs per project in North-Eastern, Hilly, and Scheduled Areas of the country.
Market Research; - Market Research Report
National Horticulture Mission (NHM): Both cold storage units that fall under the category of long-term storage and distribution hubs with a capacity of up to 5000 MT are eligible for assistance under the NHM/HMNEH open-ended scheme, which is a sub scheme of MIDH. As provided under the operational guidelines under the MIDH programme, such assistance is provided as a subsidy to credit related projects at 35 percent of the capital cost of the project in General Areas and 50 percent in North-Eastern, Hilly, and Scheduled Areas.
Small Farmer Agri-Business Consortium (SFAC) Assistance: Any cold storage unit that is part of an integrated value chain project is eligible for subsidies as long as the cold storage portion does not account for more than 75% of the total financial outlay (TFO) of the project. According to the Integrated Scheme for Agricultural Marketing (ISAM) and the operational guidelines given under the same, the scale of assistance as subsidy to all such projects is set at 25% of the capital cost with a maximum ceiling of Rs.2.25 crores in General Areas and 33.33 percent with a ceiling of Rs.4 crores in North-Eastern states, Hilly and Scheduled Areas. The government has encouraged the establishment of post-harvest infrastructure in order to increase and double the income produced by farmers, as well as to reduce any post-harvest losses.
Key Players:-
·????????Adani Agri Fresh Ltd.
·????????Harshna Ice & Cold Storage Pvt. Ltd.
·????????Crystal Logistics Cool Chain Ltd.
·????????Gubba Cold Storage Pvt. Ltd.
·????????Samagra Agribusiness Services Pvt. Ltd.
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