Business hinges on relationships | Fola Daniel Adelesi

Business hinges on relationships | Fola Daniel Adelesi

Business thrives on relationships. Businesses will succeed because of the network that you involve yourself with. Several times, people think that money is what makes business work.

I have seen people who have the money they need for their businesses and the businesses still failed. I have seen people who did not have the money and they could not build the business. So, the person who could not build the business because he does not have the money thinks that the money is the problem.

And the person who has the money and still could not sustain the business has learnt the hard way that sometimes money is not really the solution to the business. So, what exactly makes the difference in succeeding at your business? You will realize that relationship is pivotal to building most successful, if not all successful, businesses. If you do not build the right network, if you do not hinge your business success on relationships, you can just keep doing things and you will keep struggling.

I have entered places that I never would have entered if not for relationships. I have been to places to do business that I never would have gone to if not for relationships. So, businesses hinge on relationships.

If you understand that relationships will be more pivotal to your business than the ideas that you are trying to execute, then you focus on building strategic relationships that can promote your business, promote your services, promote your skills, promote your abilities. You need to begin to look out intentionally for those relationships. Of course, you do not always go out asking people what they can do for you without you offering value in return.

You offer value in return. You open your network to other people. You share with them ideas from which they can leverage.

If you have information, throw it open to them. Do not be the one that holds information, and you are constantly asking other people for support. Do not be the one that does not support other people and you are asking them to support you.

When you throw yourself open, when you value people and show them that you value them, then it is easier for them to open themselves to you, show you too that they also value you by opening their network to you. Now, one of the ways you find out that business hinges on relationships is when you do not commonize people. It is when you do not undervalue them.

It is when you open to them and treat them well even without knowing what you can get from them. The moment you show them that you respect them without knowing what you can get from them, then you realize that they begin to open to you. They begin to tell you the things that they do.

Then they also tell you the people that they know who can help you out. I remember publishing my first book as an undergraduate at the university. I was looking out for somebody who can help me with something.

I needed the contact of the vice chancellor, and I did not know how I was going to reach the vice chancellor at the time. But as I was talking about it, somebody within my class decided to take me to the vice chancellor, saying that I know the vice chancellor and I can get you access to him. That was how I gained access to the vice chancellor.

Eventually, when I spoke to the vice chancellor and told him everything I wanted to do, he agreed. He believed that it was a fantastic idea and he paid to produce my first book that I published as an undergraduate in the university. He paid for all the copies of the books that I published.

And years later, I kept the relationship with that person. I kept the relationship with the vice chancellor, but I never would have been able to publish that first book without that relationship. And I did not even know that this person had that kind of connection.

I am not saying that you should go about asking people for the connection that they have, but show that you can help them, value them, treat them well, and people will open their network to you. You must never forget that businesses hinge on relationship. Now, that's relationship in terms of what people can do for your business.

The other kind of relationship is the people within the business who are running the business for you. Build a strong relationship with them as well. Do not think about the people outside of your business who are bringing businesses to you without thinking about the people within the business who are helping you to run the business.

I have seen some managers; I have seen some business owners make that terrible mistake of running a business and valuing people outside the business rather than valuing people inside the business. The people who run your businesses for you can run it down. They can run it aground.

They can destroy everything. And do not forget, in many cases, they have nothing to lose other than the salary that you pay them. So, if you decide not to value them, they can also go somewhere else, and your business goes down.

So, value the relationship within. Value the relationship without. Because businesses will always thrive.

Businesses will always succeed. Businesses will always do well because of one major thing, apart from your knowledge and money at your disposal. And that thing is relationships.

There are some businesses that do not even have money. They lost liquidity but they did not lose relationship. And if you lose money without losing relationship, you can build that business again.

If you lose businesses today and you still sustain your relationship, you can keep it. So, make sure that you do not lose your businesses.

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Fola Daniel Adelesi FDA Speaks professionally, Trains Effectively, Delivers great keynotes & Comperes humorously | 13 books & counting.

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