I’m a massive advocate of positive thinking but fuck a duck ??!!

?? Shout out to all the business owners out there right now.

?? To all the people who took a chance starting a business,

??.To all the people who have sunk their life and life savings into their idea

?? To all the people struggling to make ends meet right now

??To all the optimists and hustlers

I think people have this idea that business is a walk in the park, well this last year has been like fucking 'Jurassic park' for the business owners of the UK.

Last week I saw a post and it made me realise how hard it can be starting a business and we don't really show the soul-destroying, anxiety-ridden nights that go with running your own business.

Here are the points it raised:

Entrepreneurs are:

  • 2 x likely to suffer from depression
  • 6 x more likely to have ADHD
  • 3 x more likely to have substance abuse issues
  • 10 x more likely to suffer from bi polar
  • 2 x more likely to get admitted to hospital for psychiatric problems
  • 2 x more likely to have suicidal thoughts

Now I don't know were they got the data for the meme from but I've personally suffered from most of the points on here and I don't mind admitting it.

" Will it work, what if no one buys, one if no one pays, what if I fuck this up. "

Running a business has always been hard, if it was easy we would all be millionaires but since March last year, it's been virtually impossible.

Most people I speak to have been absolutely screwed since last March, with no real government support apart from a Bounce Back Loan that they have to pay back.

Let's be honest it's fucking brutal right now and none of us have a clue how long this madness will last.

Hopefully in early March Rishi Sunak pulls his finger out of his arse and gives some support to the Ltd company directors similar to what he gave to the self employed.

There is a high divide right now, most self-employed have had it bang off this last year, still been able to work and been given grant after grant then there is the poor ltd company director who hasn't got a pot to piss in and soon might not have a window to throw it out of.

If your a business owner right now struggling financially, struggling mentally, or struggling physically reach out. Don't stay in your own head AND YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!!!

When I'm feeling down the worse place that I can be is in my head, it can be a jungle in there.

As tempting as that drink, spliff or bag may seem it's not a solution and in my experience makes things a whole lot worse.

Reach out, connect, share your worries and concerns,

Enjoy your weekend,



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