The Business Executives Network Group

The Business Executives Network Group

We just wrapped up our final meeting of 2020. I want to give a large shout out and thank you to our talented and “pay it forward” discussion leaders who help us provide such important and relevant content for our BENG attendees and members. And a big thank you to my terrific co-facilitators: Steve Abels of The Legacy Financial Group and Katie Hyde of VACO and to our membership chair Kathleen Dooley. Without you this isn’t possible. We continue to PAY IT FORWARD!

January:              Jason Bessire of Bessire and Associates – Weekly game plan for job searching

February:           Jessica Bronzert of The Sparks Group – The importance of “Vertical Development” ; Thinking in more complex and interdependent ways as a leader.

April:                    Kristin Beck of Social Venture Partners: Pivoting your career from corporate America to the non-profit world.

May:                    Harvey Smith of Institute Success – Using the DISC Profile as a match to your career.

June:                   Katie Hyde and team of VACO Recruiters – Job searching during the pandemic.

July:                      Sherre Demao of BizGrowth Inc – Building your own business.

August:               Mark Weber from Croixstone Consulting – Opportunities in the P/E space.

September:       Matt Joyner of Bishop Dulaney Joyner and Abner - Employment law applicable to job search and running your own business.

October:             Sara Kenyon and Becky Drodz of The Employers Association – Finding and networking with middle market companies.

November:        Jen Solomonson of Compass Healthcare – Getting hired and onboarding the first 90 days.

December:        All the attendees at the December BENG meeting – sharing best practices for job search networking and interviewing.


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