Business and Education
Jay Lawrence
former talk host KTAR Now member of state legislature. Elected to Arizona House Of Representatives
ABEC, Arizona Business and Education Coalition. What an outstanding event. Main Subject, Do we put too much, too little or just enough emphasis on student assessment (testing) in Arizona? Film opened "TOMORROWS WORK" it was all automation, even surgery. Should we redesign education into work force development? (what do you think). More than 1/2 of students failed latest AZ Merit testing. James Ogsbury, Western Governors Assn. Panel discussed "What is the role of assessments? Does 3.0 GPA used to determine entry into college kill creativity"? One panel member decried 15% college entry in Arizona. He forgot to mention that a drywall person can make 70K a year. Congratulations to Dick Foreman, President and CEO of ABEC. Wonderful event Dick.