Business during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Business during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Has it really become this bad? Sporting events canceled, schools canceled, events with more than 250 people canceled… The mass hysteria has already started showing how it is taking a toll on our communities. Don’t believe me? Just walk into any of your local stores if you have not already.

We cannot allow this panic to bleed into the heart of our country, our economics and our businesses and industries. If we do allow this, it will cripple our country far more than any virus will. Our economy is based on our everyday work. Without this, we are left in limbo and wondering what to do. This will lead to more fear.

So how do we as the businesspeople of the world help in bring back the normal we all know? Keep working, keep plugging away… Like most all things in life, this will pass. There is no need to bring everything to a screeching halt because of fear of a virus. I am not going to go into the numbers, we all know the numbers and hear them every day, numerous times per day.

Now as we see business slow, how do we work past this? Plan for and prepare for growth as we always do. “They” say we are looking at for to six weeks of these precautions. What is stopping us from planning to make May 2020 a huge month? By starting to focus on growth again and let the fears subside, we will then start the process of moving past this panic and healing from the wound this has placed on our society. The government will not tell us to stop worrying, they can’t. It is up to us to stop worrying. Continue to be cautious in how you handle your daily routines, just don’t let it take over your day with fear.

As a business coach and marketing and sales specialist, this is my advice; plan to grow this year. Take your minds off what can happen and plan out what will happen. Look at the bright side of each day, focus on what can and will be accomplished. Is this a good time to talk about growth strategies? ABSOLUTELY! What better time than now to take your minds off fears and envision goals and grow from them?

Start the week with planning. Avoid conversations about the panic around. Don’t let it put a damper to start your workweek. By starting the new week with a positive mindset and growth minded, you will have a far better week than you could imagine. We do not need a virus to put us in this mindset, but we can sure pull our selves out of the fears with positive thinking.

Have a great week, grow a little, smile and know things pass, just like the time we take to worry. Only thing about that is we will never get the wasted time back.


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