"IT" and "Business" in the Digital Era

The 1980s and 90s created the polarisation of "IT" and "Business".

Whoever started this dichotomy spurred a seemingly eternal war between these 2 entities by giving them these separate identities. I remember how I felt unfulfilled in my first job - background in computer engineering and was therefore boxed-in as "IT", which meant that, in the prevailing culture of mutual exclusivity from "Business", I would be excluded from the latter. This polarisation created problems on 2 fronts; 1, as per my personal experience above, I couldn’t partake in "Business" related discussions and therefore whatever aptitude and insights I had, did not find expression. I'm sure mine is not the only story of this kind. 2, the relationship between IT and Business was fraught with mistrust, antagonism and an unnecessary hierarchy, instead of equal partnership. With the advent of the digital era, however, companies are now having to re-look at this relationship. The digital era blurs these ancient lines of IT vs Business. Digital strategies are transcendent and require a whole new, and different, perspective. There can't be "IT" only, and "Business" only clubs, with a loose link where Business tells IT what they need and IT just does it. A digital strategy requires a complementary approach which requires a mix of these skills, both at the individual level, and within teams. Such cross-pollination will enable iterative and symbiotic thinking and execution in redefining business models, operational processes and work design, to leverage on the capabilities of digital ecosystems. Traditional marketing professionals cannot drive, for example, the set-up of omni-channels or customer experience by themselves because part of the knowledge will have to come from technology professionals. Customer interfaces in the digital era have been born out of, and are based on, technological platforms, and therefore it is no longer only for the pure marketing professional to look at customer interfaces. If you are in an organisation that still thinks in terms of "IT" vs "Business", you are at a competitive DISadvantage and you should consider a strategic and cultural shift.


