Business Development is a very simple formula
Charmaine Keegan
Sales Expert, Keynote Speaker, Create a proactive, resilient and motivated high performing team ?Be the Subject Matter Expert, the Trusted Advisor, the Authority in your Field ?200+ LinkedIn Testimonials
Make more calls, show up more often – take daily action
If there's one thing that can separate you from your competitors - it’s taking daily action for business development. A highly polished, motivated sales person has business development as their #1 priority.
It’s easy to get distracted by emails, tidying the desk, doing the paperwork. As sales people, our priority is to spend more time planning how to add value to clients and prospecting for new clients.
Change your approach. If you start at 8am, the phone is in your hand at 8am. The only thing you’re focused on is asking intelligent questions, being open and present to listening and observing and adapting to your client. Whether it’s time on that call to sell the best solution or to make a meeting to present to them - each call has a purpose.
It’s a simple formula. Planning daily action = make more calls + show up more often = more business.
Here are FIVE more sales tips for business development:
- WORK SMART: Recognise your best time of the day. Milk that time. Get your hardest, most challenging activities channelled into that time.
- PLAN: What’s your plan to approach your clients each year? Which of your current clients will have the most positive impact on your bottom line? Ensure you are having conversations with them about how you can assist their business on a regular basis. You can safely assume your competitors are having the same conversations!
- BE CONSISTENT: Carve out time EVERY day to look for new opportunities for current clients and approaching prospects.
- TAKE ACTION: Just get moving. In studying what successful people do, this is right up in the top 3 activities. They just get on and do stuff!
- BELIEFS: Consider what you value – usually it’s so unconscious you may not be able to articulate it. For example, if you believe you are not worthy of being successful, you’re not worthy of earning a lot - free yourself of these limitations. You probably have bought into someone else’s limitations – you adopted their limiting beliefs. Let them go!
We’ve created a series of sales training courses to lead sales people through an evolution to sales mastery - wherever you are in your sales career. Watch our video to find out what hundreds of sales people have already mastered in our Business Development course after they completed our signature, sales training workshop - the 2 day Sales Accelerator.
See what some of our attendees have to say about how we helped them enhance their skills.
If there was one sales skill you would like to master – what would it be?