Business decluttering
There is a temptation, with life and careers, to want to burn it all down to the ground and run screaming into the horizon.
Am I going to make another online course? Maybe. Do I need the ridiculous overkill of video making equipment still? Probably not. Did I ever really NEED a tiny teleprompter? Absolutely not. Did I love using it? YES.
I’ve come to accept that I will want shiny things, and then I will no longer need said shiny things, and I can sell them, safe in the knowledge that by the time I’d want them again, they’ll probably be going for a fiver on ebay.
The same goes for domain names, websites, business cards. You’re allowed to declutter. Decide what no longer fits with what you want to do. With who you now are. Sometimes the need for change comes with a big job move (or a change of direction for your small business). Sometimes it’s a quieter, like swapping coffee for herbal tea. Or selling your tiny teleprompter and finding out you underestimated the shipping costs because it’s actually rather heavy, and you practically gave it away. But now you have a modicum of extra space. Breathing room to do other things. Swing a few cats, metaphorical or otherwise.
You think Cinderella ever wore those glass slippers again? Not without bunions. Let go of what no longer serves you.