Business debt is a bit like toothache
Chris Worden
Head Problem Solver @ Director First Specialist in helping UK directors who have business debt problems with a better night's sleep!
Back when my business was struggling with debt I remember the feelings or fear putting me off speaking to anyone about it. My pride stopped me from picking the phone up and telling someone that I was struggling and didn't know what to do.
I spent weeks and many sleepless nights researching on the internet and I got more and more confused, each website or forum seemed to contradict each other.
Having reflected on it for some years I think it can be likened to a trip to the dentist.
I'm the person who gets some toothache and I ignore it, thinking and praying that somehow the toothache is going to get better and miraculously will disappear..... wishful thinking.
Like business debt unattended, toothache gets worse, much worse until eventually, I'm in the emergency dentist on a Sunday morning begging the butcher in there to rip the tooth out.
Now firstly if you have toothache don't be like me and wait until you can't physically take any more before you get some help. Call a dentist when it starts and I can 100% guarantee you that you will have a better experience than if you wait for the emergency butcher... I mean dentist.
Similarly, if your business is in debt and you don't know where to turn, give me a call, you have options and the sooner you reach out and get professional advice, THE LESS PAINFUL the experience will be and the MORE OPTIONS you will have.
Don't be like me, do something proactive today that will help you sleep better tonight.
1st Business Rescue is here to help and advise directors who are worried about:
Don't suffer in silence.
Send me a DM if you want to talk.
Chris ??