Just Started a Business?
Bridget Knight
Team Lead | Mentoring & Supporting | Skilled in Communication, Relationship Building, Presenting, Facilitation, & Coaching
If you are in ‘the limbo stage’ this means you have just ended, or are about to start, something; and you are on shaky ground. It's the launch of the next chapter in your life. As a result you may be feeling lost and uncertain, experiencing very little success, with not much money and low energy levels. This is the perfect time for introspection, because you have ended one thing to start something new. It’s normal to have self-doubt, because you will be using this time to change gears, learn lessons and decompress from what you were previously doing. Change (even good change), which often brings feelings of loss, is never easy. So, this is a good time to do some ‘personal research’.
Get honest with yourself and face your inner demons. Any failure you previously experienced was because of your own inner obstacles. This is a challenging and frustrating phase, which can’t be rushed. You need to give yourself time or you will get incredibly frustrated. It is normal to think things will never come right. Surrender and face your fears, challenge your limiting beliefs. Accept what is and don’t be hard on yourself. Take this time to introspect. It can take anything from six months to two years. Over this period don’t fall to distractions, or addictions like drinking and drugs, that will waste your time. Bear in mind you don’t need to always be ‘busy’. Growth is still happening on the inside.
The starting phase
At this point in your business you are committing yourself for the next five to 10 years, with engagement and passion. This phase starts with you having clarity - a clear vision, purpose and certainty about what you want to do. It is the point at which you have a plan. This does not yet need to be a very detailed plan - it is still going to require a lot of refinement and action to be implemented. This is a time for networking, mastering new skills, exploring, creating, building and pushing yourself to new heights. On one hand it is a period that is new, fresh, exciting and energy-filled – one in which you will discover new aspects of yourself. On the other hand, it may be beset by fear of failure and feelings inadequacy, because you are a newbie and doubt yourself.
It is easy to quit in this phase. You need to push through the self-doubt, otherwise your insecurity can cripple you. To be successful you need to be self-disciplined and become a serious student. Stay focused on your training - build good habits and routines, execute something new every day. It is also important to stay optimistic and work on your vision. Don’t get addicted to self destructive behaviour. Pace yourself to avoid getting burned out. Be prepared for obstacles - it will always be harder than you thought.
The peak
At this point momentum has been built up and you are ‘on fire’. Success is coming to you faster than you expected and you are amazed by your results. The upside of ‘the peak’ is that all your hard work is coming to fruition. You are experiencing your vision materialising in the real world. Money is pouring in. People are starting to take notice of your work. You are being recognised, and now people want to work with you - employers want to hire you. You are on top of life and it feels amazing. The danger of hitting the peak is the illusion that it will always be like this; and it is important to prepare yourself for what is coming next. Guard against becoming too arrogant or complacent. Your attention is focused outwardly so you are probably not introspecting. In this phase enjoy the ride, celebrate your success and keep doing what has been working. Don’t try to innovate. Know that the peak will not last - it is just a phase. The next phase is a down turn. So, be careful not to get lost in materialism. Life is more than just about what you earn. There might be a major obstacle at the peak. Face your fears and finish what you started.
The end
All good things come to an end - either as a success or failure. And, it is beneficial to understand that you learn a lot from both eventualities. Failure is often the best way to learn. Consciously resist drawing out the inevitable and avoiding the end of a chapter by clinging to the past and resisting the beginning of a new chapter. How will you know it is time to move on? While you are loving the success, projects that used to excite you no longer will. You no longer feel fulfilled and motivated. You may start to feel like a victim, causing you to get upset and angry. Now is the time to consider other alternatives.
You have come full circle and may find yourself in a period of limbo where depression and isolation set in. Take action by accepting everything comes to an end. Acknowledge your achievements and celebrate how you have grown and changed. Don’t fall into the trap of getting too attached to ‘the old’. Life is all about finding the new chapter. Know how to walk away, well.
Tie up loose ends and consciously take time out to introspect - expecting less money, material results and overt action in this incubation phase. Phases are normal and healthy and laying a foundation for the next one is essential. At this point, being active on the inside sets you up for action on the outside. You need to figure things out before you can be in action.
Don’t resist the phases, enjoy each one. Be willing to be lost and confused, ready to explore new opportunities.