In to the business of "Creativity".
Srinivas Reddy
Expert in Data Science and Machine learning with 4+ years of experience.
Eureka, Eureka, Eureka .... these are the words of famous "Archimedes" during his thought process of measuring the weight of gold. Also, it has formed the basis of fluid dynamics. This was an age-old school time story which is acknowledged by every one who had been to school.
This is a good example to say that creativity is a "spark of imagination" but not an ongoing process.We might have observed this analogy in our everyday life. When we are so caught up trying to find a solution to a high priority problem. No matter how many cigarettes you burn or the no of coffee cups you drink or per say however hard you force yourself to reach a solution. You simply exhaust yourself! no positive outcome occurs to you. That is self-defeating and you end up with frustration, this time you think all the roads are closed, finally you say hands up. You have taken a break from all the worldly affairs and you forgot about the problem that is bothering you to an extent but not completely discarded though. This time suddenly a rush comes to your head and found the spark of that eureka moment.
Creativity is not your brainchild but a tangent of irregular thinking .
Forcing yourself to find a solution will leave you in the midst of chaos .
Zen kind of thinking will help you find a viable solution than
to be part of the problem .
Why zen, because zen is a clean slate approach to thinking. In fact, trying to define what is zen is self-defeating. For those teachings of zen are to be felt until achievement of a conscious state of mind, only to be experienced but trying to explain how you felt during the transmission is like calling oranges into apples. So Bizarre is the analogy " You need to run away from your own thinking to find the spark for high-quality solution, or end up mediocre "
Now the criticism and blah blah of the creativity businesses
To give you an overview I will mention all those businesses based on creativity and why their work is mediocre. Why there exists a huge creative vacuum between mediocre work and top-notch quality . It is for the simple reason "creativity" is not a skill but a vibe and it is a spark associated with ingenuity and passion. Demanding creativity is like asking for oranges while looking and wanting apples.
List of creativity based Business or professions ...{painting,sculpture,graphics,ornaments,sales,films,advertising,branding,packaging, Architecture, interior designing ,marketing,fashion designing,content writing ,cartoons,memes ,creating writing ,drama, music, other performing arts, photography} these to name a few and virtually every kind of profession needs a certain level of creativity but above businesses need them vigorously. These are based on popularity and fame, focus will be more on quality than content. Just as good as my Articles which are being judged by the quality than the number of words used to explain.
So hit the bell here .....
So you would have seen those rugged looking people who talk a lot about on T.V and who typically end up looking with a cigarette all time with coffee obsession and talk about the rare specimen of movies and music are very alluding in nature.
But talk about their achievements, they are mediocre and famous for being better marketers than their zen substance. A real artist or creative guy produces less content with higher quality than more content with mediocre quality.
This is nothing but the irony of sustaining competition and trying to make a name by giving the client what he wants instead of what he should be giving, ask any designer or an artist of the media he will agree with what I am saying.
Every so-called popular creative guy will have a key project which is abused as hell and end up being the one that he even calls it a breakthrough.This breakthrough is what earned him a famous stamp and recognition as a notable artist. So do you think he is good because he is famous? That is where you are mixing soda into whiskey thinking it is water. You can always get the best from those who are not so famous, those who are famous are the ones trying to cash out the breakthrough.
here is an example it is a song by not so famous artist ....
A famous song that everybody knows ....
Here comparing them is perfectly all right , because I don't understand both languages. The theme for the songs may very first one is based on WAR yet It is complete with a catchy HOOK, background music, fast tempo, at its best it is a qualified pop song. while the second song is the one to reach the top of youtube charts describes SEXY feelings, its ring or the vibe is same as above but their motives are different. While the first one tends to create awareness locally and not being able to come on top, Second one roped in daddy Yankee and few more junkies to make it popular along with a girl who is sexy looking. It is marketing my friend, focuses more on making it viral than to satisfy creative zeal.
So how creative businesses work, first create a reach, then select a target, then trade on someones existing credentials. Of course, some eye candy too # who doesn't like free stuff. After all visual stimuli are high priority item as it is a fast catching one, without any doubt most of the best looking people are some of the best ones in the business . After reaching to your audience then comes the did you see that bro type talk, typical trendsetting and establishment of sentiment experiments will lead you to fame.
Now you tell me years of growing up in a cubicle made you into a sheep who fears rejection from peers and thinking cool is what is being served on the plate .
Priority Order in Creative Businesses.
1) Dogg life starts. some people also calls it portfolio geneation .
2) Need for being famous calls for maximum creativity and attention .
3) Slowly the urge to be creative looses ground and riding on popularity
4) Your Creativity levels hit rock bottom,either you take a break or be
broken forever.
5) You may resume your business but only things left are leftovers .