Communication Power
What is communication? Communication allows to receive and share information, defines and understands the goals and even the harmful effects of conflict and confusion by using the right words and the right intonation and applying the right technics. You can more easily convince your audience of your point of view and understand them when you are a good communicator who master not only expressing but also listening.
The effective communication is based on technical approaches that can be acquired if the communication is done well, your audience will have the interest of being and will demonstrate enthusiasm and motivation, this attentive listening is the only way to ensure a good understanding of the delivered message and allow the exact coordination to get the identified objectives.
However, if communication fails you will be blocked, unable to deliver adequately your message and thus no listeners, your audience will never ever have the interest to hear what you are saying, and???this will rule a climate of conflict and misunderstanding.
In business the clarity and effectiveness of communication between individuals and even more between leaders, directly influences the efficiency of the entire organization because strong human relations and committed individuals create a favorable environment to productivity which brings together the objectives of short, medium and long term, because within an organization the good communication is an indispensable part of obtaining an effective & successful company.
As commonly known each company has
Its backgrounds // Its objectives // Its tools to achieve its objectives // Its culture // Its employees...
The mission here is to link and harmonize all these parts to obtain an effective, successful and well organised company, yet if this?mission fails woefully, the cost of this failure will be beared?by the whole company. In mostof our contemporary companies this had been neglected and the roles had been limited in some administrative tasks and then the management is done through databases and files and not through communication.?
?I12deally, within an organization two types of communication should be implemented and respected in order to promote exchanges between all those involved in this organization as well as share knowledge and integrate all employees in decision making and avoid conflicts.
First, the hierarchal communication which starts from the top of the hierarchal pyramid through all settings to get to the employees and workers, it has to be informative, and its primary objective is to communicate the regulatory information and improve the business environment.
Second, the upward communication which is the communication from the bottom of the employees in management its role is to detect abnormalities and drive-up complaints or suggestions to management in order to create a dialogue and active listening. Also through the upward communication the employees feel connected to their organization and deeply involved at all levels.
Furthermore, the staff engagement?and motivation?are the first achievement of a successful and constant communication, the creativity and the effectiveness of Team Spirit all depend on effective communication as well as the development of your values such as integrity commitment and respect for yourself and your colleagues This value fosters an environment that encourages research for a positive and honest communication and constructive comments where employees are not afraid to react to express themselves it promotes relaxation, entertainment and development also improves the quality of relationship between colleagues by developing a POSITIVE ATTITUDE & HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT